S sliko pokaži kako se trenutno počutiš
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
cauliflower - Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 482
- Na forumu od: 26. 12. 2014
Pred jutrišnjim dnem ...
I'm just ... happy.
I've never felt that before.
I'm just exactly where I want to be.
(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind )
I've never felt that before.
I'm just exactly where I want to be.
(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind )
Led Zeppelin - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 7198
- Na forumu od: 10. 8. 2010
Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got, is the one I've never tasted.
Sarissima - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 3588
- Na forumu od: 26. 12. 2010
Že mesec in pol se čudim zakaj mi wc školjka ne diši kot lavender goodness, kot je bilo obljubljeno na reklami za wc obešanko. Danes si vse skupaj bolj podrobno pogledam, aaaaaand guess what - nisem je dovolj močno zahakljala na stojalo in je bila še zaprta
...But because I saw you. Someone like me. Someone so scared that the only way you know how to handle things is by worrying your way through them. That's what you and I are. Worriers.
cauliflower - Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 482
- Na forumu od: 26. 12. 2014
Vse sem fertik naredila v Wordu in lepo shranila. Potem sem pa kopirala mape z USBja na računalnik in voila! - mi je stara datoteka z istim imenom nadomestila že končano datoteko.... aaaaaaaa!!!!
I'm just ... happy.
I've never felt that before.
I'm just exactly where I want to be.
(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind )
I've never felt that before.
I'm just exactly where I want to be.
(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind )
Led Zeppelin - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 7198
- Na forumu od: 10. 8. 2010
Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got, is the one I've never tasted.
cauliflower - Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 482
- Na forumu od: 26. 12. 2014
Malo prepozno, ampak me sploh ne jezi, ker imam že vse ponovno narejeno Je pa dober nasvet, za naslednjič, ko se mi to zgodi Hvala!
I'm just ... happy.
I've never felt that before.
I'm just exactly where I want to be.
(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind )
I've never felt that before.
I'm just exactly where I want to be.
(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind )
Led Zeppelin - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 7198
- Na forumu od: 10. 8. 2010
Ko hočeš imeti dobro videokamero ki je ugodna, vremensko zaščitena, ima stabilizacijo V kameri in je 400 evrov cenejša od Canona, poleg tega pa še lažja in manjša.
Panasonic G85
Panasonic G85
Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got, is the one I've never tasted.
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