testiranja na živalih
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
Odgovor od dm-drogerie markt:
We assure you that we do not perform animal testing on any of our brand's products.
Animal testing for developing personal-care Products is prohibited since 1998.
Innovative products with new raw materials have to be tested on animals. For this reason we try to avoid these materials and prefer already known and tested ingredients.
The skin compatibility of our products is tested on about 50 voluntary subjects. These are much more conclusive than animals.
We assure you that we do not perform animal testing on any of our brand's products.
Animal testing for developing personal-care Products is prohibited since 1998.
Innovative products with new raw materials have to be tested on animals. For this reason we try to avoid these materials and prefer already known and tested ingredients.
The skin compatibility of our products is tested on about 50 voluntary subjects. These are much more conclusive than animals.
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
UG upam da še spremljaš tole temo... Zgoraj imaš še odgovor od dm.
Odgovor od Gosh cosmetics:
Thanks for your mail. I can inform you that GOSH Cosmetics does not use animals to test any of our products or ingredients. Neither do we commission others to perform animal tests. Moreover it is prohibited by European law to test cosmetic products or ingredients on animals.
Odgovor od Gosh cosmetics:
Thanks for your mail. I can inform you that GOSH Cosmetics does not use animals to test any of our products or ingredients. Neither do we commission others to perform animal tests. Moreover it is prohibited by European law to test cosmetic products or ingredients on animals.
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
Odgovor od Estee Lauder Companies:
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. is committed to the elimination of animal testing. We are equally committed to consumer health and safety, and bringing to market products that comply with applicable regulations in every country in which our products are sold.
We do not conduct animal testing on our products or ingredients, nor ask others to test on our behalf, except when required by law. We evaluate our finished products in clinical tests on volunteer panels.
The Estee Lauder Companies fully supports the development and global acceptance of non-animal testing alternatives. To this end, the Company works extensively with the industry at large and the global scientific community to research and fund these alternatives.
Ker mi ni bilo čisto jasno kaj mislijo s tistim 'when required by law', sem jim še en mail poslala:
We have always been against animal testing. Recently, the global regulatory climate has become more stringent and cosmetic companies are being asked to further validate the human and environmental safety of their ingredients and products. We are equally committed to consumer health and safety. Given these increased requirements for ensuring the safety of cosmetic ingredients, animal testing may be legally necessary under certain circumstances when no non-animal alternative is available or acceptable to governmental/health authorities. Be assured that we will make every effort to avoid having ingredients tested on animals, and will take all practical and available steps to see that existing or non-animal test data is used instead. However, if ultimately this is required in order for the company to sell its products, we will, of course, comply with the law.
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. is committed to the elimination of animal testing. We are equally committed to consumer health and safety, and bringing to market products that comply with applicable regulations in every country in which our products are sold.
We do not conduct animal testing on our products or ingredients, nor ask others to test on our behalf, except when required by law. We evaluate our finished products in clinical tests on volunteer panels.
The Estee Lauder Companies fully supports the development and global acceptance of non-animal testing alternatives. To this end, the Company works extensively with the industry at large and the global scientific community to research and fund these alternatives.
Ker mi ni bilo čisto jasno kaj mislijo s tistim 'when required by law', sem jim še en mail poslala:
We have always been against animal testing. Recently, the global regulatory climate has become more stringent and cosmetic companies are being asked to further validate the human and environmental safety of their ingredients and products. We are equally committed to consumer health and safety. Given these increased requirements for ensuring the safety of cosmetic ingredients, animal testing may be legally necessary under certain circumstances when no non-animal alternative is available or acceptable to governmental/health authorities. Be assured that we will make every effort to avoid having ingredients tested on animals, and will take all practical and available steps to see that existing or non-animal test data is used instead. However, if ultimately this is required in order for the company to sell its products, we will, of course, comply with the law.
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
softTouch napisal/-a:UG84 si mogoče te čigumije mislila?
jaz sem jih enkrat kupila pa so žal neuporabni, ker se že po minuti žvečenja porazgubi ves okus. žal
Hmmm...pakunga je podobna, ne vem. Meni je pa prodajalka rekla, da se okus ne razgubi hitro, no, bom kupila, pa videla. Hvalaza info

UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
Haley, še sem, tu samo maila nisem dobila, da je tu kaj novega na tej temi...
Skratka...jaz bi DM z veseljem dala na belo listo, ampak glede sestavin niso zagotovili - dejali so, da preferirajo netestirane, niso pa povsem izključene. Vseeno pozitiven znak, ampak če velja za vse, naj velja za vse enako.
Tole 'when required by law' je pač malo čudno - to verjemem, da velja za zdravila. Torej to pomeni, da Estee ne morem dat ne na belo, ne na sivo, saj ni tako, da sploh ne bi testirali. Žal...
Gosh gre na belo listo.
Haley, :bussi: :bussi: :bussi:

Skratka...jaz bi DM z veseljem dala na belo listo, ampak glede sestavin niso zagotovili - dejali so, da preferirajo netestirane, niso pa povsem izključene. Vseeno pozitiven znak, ampak če velja za vse, naj velja za vse enako.
Tole 'when required by law' je pač malo čudno - to verjemem, da velja za zdravila. Torej to pomeni, da Estee ne morem dat ne na belo, ne na sivo, saj ni tako, da sploh ne bi testirali. Žal...
Gosh gre na belo listo.
Haley, :bussi: :bussi: :bussi:
positive vibration - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 2157
- Na forumu od: 19. 3. 2006
Saj maš prav, mormo bit stroge in se ne pustit premamit tem mutibaričom za ceno udobja. Če nekaj mutijo, te že ni vse tak, ko mora bit. Ker če bi bilo, bi to jasno in glasno povedali, ne bi nič mutili.
There once was a note
pure and easy
Playing so free,
like a breath rippling by...
pure and easy
Playing so free,
like a breath rippling by...
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
UG84 napisal/-a:Haley, še sem, tu samo maila nisem dobila, da je tu kaj novega na tej temi...![]()
Skratka...jaz bi DM z veseljem dala na belo listo, ampak glede sestavin niso zagotovili - dejali so, da preferirajo netestirane, niso pa povsem izključene. Vseeno pozitiven znak, ampak če velja za vse, naj velja za vse enako.
Tole 'when required by law' je pač malo čudno - to verjemem, da velja za zdravila. Torej to pomeni, da Estee ne morem dat ne na belo, ne na sivo, saj ni tako, da sploh ne bi testirali. Žal...
Gosh gre na belo listo.
Haley, :bussi: :bussi: :bussi:
Pošljem dmju še kak mail glede testiranja? Sploh ne vem kaj naj jih še vprašam oz. na kak način...
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
V bistvu bi od njih potrebovali potrditev glede tega kaj mislijo s tem "Innovative products with new raw materials have to be tested on animals. For this reason we try to avoid these materials and prefer already known and tested ingredients. "
Eno je, da so SKUŠAJO izogniti, druga pa da se dejansko IZOGOBAJO. V tem se ločita tudi bela in siva lista. Če boš lahko jih vprašala še enkrat, da pojasnijo to, potem super.
Eno je, da so SKUŠAJO izogniti, druga pa da se dejansko IZOGOBAJO. V tem se ločita tudi bela in siva lista. Če boš lahko jih vprašala še enkrat, da pojasnijo to, potem super.
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
^^Sem poslala še en mail in jih vprašala točno glede sestavin ali potem uporabljajo sestavine, ki se testirajo ali ne.
Sem dobila odgovor tudi od Chanela, pa je identičen tistemu, ki si ga ti prilimala par strani nazaj, tako da sem jih vprašala še za sestavine in še čakam odgovor.
Enako je tudi z Lvmh, sem jim že prejšni teden poslala še en mail glede sestavin pa ni še nobenega odgovora.
Od ostalih pa še nisem dobila odgovora.
Sem dobila odgovor tudi od Chanela, pa je identičen tistemu, ki si ga ti prilimala par strani nazaj, tako da sem jih vprašala še za sestavine in še čakam odgovor.
Enako je tudi z Lvmh, sem jim že prejšni teden poslala še en mail glede sestavin pa ni še nobenega odgovora.
Od ostalih pa še nisem dobila odgovora.
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
Odgovor od dm:
all INGREDIENTS in all products have been tested on animals at some point. This is regulated by law.
New END-PRODUCTS don't have to be tested on animals. For that reason we test our products on voluntary subjects and not on animals. We also do not have somebody else conducting these tests on our behalf.
all INGREDIENTS in all products have been tested on animals at some point. This is regulated by law.
New END-PRODUCTS don't have to be tested on animals. For that reason we test our products on voluntary subjects and not on animals. We also do not have somebody else conducting these tests on our behalf.
čokolinček - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 230
- Na forumu od: 8. 2. 2010
Kje se pa kupi tiste čigumije Chicza?
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
UG bi ti malo pomagala glede prenove naše bele liste. Seveda, če mi dovoliš
Bi jaz sedaj 'predelala' sklop negovalna kozmetika (mi je ta sklop še najbolj zanimiv). Bom pregledala vse spletne strani podjetij pa videla kaj imajo zapisano glede testiranja, drugače jim bom pa poslala mail. Odgovore bom seveda prilepila v to temo. Tako, da potem tebi ne bo treba preverjat in ti potem lahko celoten seznam pošljem (lahko na zs) in ga potem ti objaviš v temi cosmo bela lista podjetij. Ni ti treba vsega sama, še posebi glede na to, da si rekla, da imaš zadnje dni dosti dela doma. Meni pa to ne predstavlja nobenega problema počet
Upam, da bo pa katera punca preverla hrano za hišne ljubljenčke, ki je na sivi listi (če je že ni že UG). Meni ta sklop ni tako zelo 'zanimiv', saj nimam nobenga kosmatinca doma in teh izdelkov ne kupujem in se bom raje usmerila bolj na kozmetične proizvode.

Bi jaz sedaj 'predelala' sklop negovalna kozmetika (mi je ta sklop še najbolj zanimiv). Bom pregledala vse spletne strani podjetij pa videla kaj imajo zapisano glede testiranja, drugače jim bom pa poslala mail. Odgovore bom seveda prilepila v to temo. Tako, da potem tebi ne bo treba preverjat in ti potem lahko celoten seznam pošljem (lahko na zs) in ga potem ti objaviš v temi cosmo bela lista podjetij. Ni ti treba vsega sama, še posebi glede na to, da si rekla, da imaš zadnje dni dosti dela doma. Meni pa to ne predstavlja nobenega problema počet

Upam, da bo pa katera punca preverla hrano za hišne ljubljenčke, ki je na sivi listi (če je že ni že UG). Meni ta sklop ni tako zelo 'zanimiv', saj nimam nobenga kosmatinca doma in teh izdelkov ne kupujem in se bom raje usmerila bolj na kozmetične proizvode.
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
Prej smo imele kozmetiko HELAN na beli listi pod dekorativno kozmetiko. Na spletni strani imajo zapisano tole:
ALL our cosmetic products have never been tested on animals either directly by our-selves and by third institutes, and do not contain ingredients of animal origin.
Tako, da mislim, da jo lahko nazaj uvrstimo na belo listo, pa tudi kolikor sem zasledila na netu jo prodajajo tudi v Sloveniji.
ALL our cosmetic products have never been tested on animals either directly by our-selves and by third institutes, and do not contain ingredients of animal origin.
Tako, da mislim, da jo lahko nazaj uvrstimo na belo listo, pa tudi kolikor sem zasledila na netu jo prodajajo tudi v Sloveniji.
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
haley napisal/-a:Odgovor od dm:
all INGREDIENTS in all products have been tested on animals at some point. This is regulated by law.
New END-PRODUCTS don't have to be tested on animals. For that reason we test our products on voluntary subjects and not on animals. We also do not have somebody else conducting these tests on our behalf.
Odebeljeni del že zdavnaj ne velja več, mislim da od konca devetdesetih.
OK, dam na belo listo.
Kdo je na strani
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