testiranja na živalih
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
linkica - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 595
- Na forumu od: 5. 3. 2006
UG84 napisal/-a:linkica napisal/-a:cestitke in pohvalam vsem puncam (ter fantom), ki so spremenile svoj pogled na svet in ne uporabljajo vec testirane kozmetike...
potrebujem pa pomoc... kje lahko kupim hrano za zivali - pse in macke, ki ni testirana na zivalih?vem, da friskies, pedigree ipd. odpadejo. semenarna LJ ne testira, a ne?
Trgovina Dodget ali pa Mačja hiša prodajata cruelty free hrano. Jaz kupujem v prvem. Pa mislim, da tudi pasji.net prodaja samo netestirano, amapk nisem pa čisto ziher. Sicer pa sem enkrat v tej temi napisala katere blagovne znamke hrane za male živali testirajo in katere ne, tako da malo nazaj pobrskaj. V glavnem odpadejo glavne znamke, ki jih ponujajo v trgovinah kot so Mr.Pet, Zootic ipd.
MAC imamo že nekaj časa na beli listi
Organix cosmetix dodano, hvala!
kje sta pa ti dve trgovini?

UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
Za Mačjo hišo nisem ziiher če ni samo preko sspleta, vendar pa več trgovin prodaja izdelke Schesir, na katerih piše, da je del prodaje doniran Mačji hiši.
Dodget je v Mestnem Logu (trgovski center Murgle), ima pa tudi spletno trgovino.
Dodget je v Mestnem Logu (trgovski center Murgle), ima pa tudi spletno trgovino.
gaby_ - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1318
- Na forumu od: 22. 8. 2006
evo, zdaj šele sem zasledila temo in sem se odločila, da bom tudi jaz začela uporabljati samo cruelity free kozmetiko. sicer sem ugotovila, da je že dosti uporabljam zdaj, edino lancoma se bom morala znebiti.
p.s. kako je z chanelom pri dekorativi in parfumih? nekje sem ga zasledila na sivi listi.
p.s. kako je z chanelom pri dekorativi in parfumih? nekje sem ga zasledila na sivi listi.
“Fashion does not only exists in dresses;
fashion is in the air, it is brought in by the wind,
one feels it coming, breathes it in,
it is in the sky and on the pavement,
it depends on ideas, customs, and happenings” - Coco Chanel
fashion is in the air, it is brought in by the wind,
one feels it coming, breathes it in,
it is in the sky and on the pavement,
it depends on ideas, customs, and happenings” - Coco Chanel
frigga - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 817
- Na forumu od: 23. 12. 2005
- Kraj: Ljubljana
UG84 napisal/-a:Dodget je v Mestnem Logu (trgovski center Murgle), ima pa tudi spletno trgovino.
Doget, ne Dodget.

Pristajati na povprečnost pomeni pristajati na poraz.
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
hehe, sploh nisem opazila, da sem jih preimenovala
Gaby, glede Chanela sem našla tola:
CHANEL does not test on animals. CHANEL is a company that provides high-quality products as well as high-quality service. Be assured that CHANEL products are formulated with ingredients that are universally used by the cosmetic industry. All of our products are thoroughly tested for safety and must pass very stringent requirements. Some products do contain animal derivatives such as beeswax or lanolin. If you have concerns about a product's ingredients, please e-mail us with specific names of the products you are interested in and we will gladly report back.
Dodala sem ga na našo listo, skupaj še s Clarinsom in Gosh.

Gaby, glede Chanela sem našla tola:
CHANEL does not test on animals. CHANEL is a company that provides high-quality products as well as high-quality service. Be assured that CHANEL products are formulated with ingredients that are universally used by the cosmetic industry. All of our products are thoroughly tested for safety and must pass very stringent requirements. Some products do contain animal derivatives such as beeswax or lanolin. If you have concerns about a product's ingredients, please e-mail us with specific names of the products you are interested in and we will gladly report back.
Dodala sem ga na našo listo, skupaj še s Clarinsom in Gosh.
gaby_ - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1318
- Na forumu od: 22. 8. 2006
^o hvala!
tole mi je pa všeč.

“Fashion does not only exists in dresses;
fashion is in the air, it is brought in by the wind,
one feels it coming, breathes it in,
it is in the sky and on the pavement,
it depends on ideas, customs, and happenings” - Coco Chanel
fashion is in the air, it is brought in by the wind,
one feels it coming, breathes it in,
it is in the sky and on the pavement,
it depends on ideas, customs, and happenings” - Coco Chanel
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
gaby_ napisal/-a:evo, zdaj šele sem zasledila temo in sem se odločila, da bom tudi jaz začela uporabljati samo cruelity free kozmetiko. sicer sem ugotovila, da je že dosti uporabljam zdaj, edino lancoma se bom morala znebiti.
p.s. kako je z chanelom pri dekorativi in parfumih? nekje sem ga zasledila na sivi listi.
Čestitke za to odločitev

Tamarra* - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1549
- Na forumu od: 7. 8. 2008
UG84 napisal/-a:hehe, sploh nisem opazila, da sem jih preimenovala![]()
Gaby, glede Chanela sem našla tola:
CHANEL does not test on animals. CHANEL is a company that provides high-quality products as well as high-quality service. Be assured that CHANEL products are formulated with ingredients that are universally used by the cosmetic industry. All of our products are thoroughly tested for safety and must pass very stringent requirements. Some products do contain animal derivatives such as beeswax or lanolin. If you have concerns about a product's ingredients, please e-mail us with specific names of the products you are interested in and we will gladly report back.
Dodala sem ga na našo listo, skupaj še s Clarinsom in Gosh.

We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." Immanual Kant
gaby_ - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1318
- Na forumu od: 22. 8. 2006
^mam že sprintan list z 'belo listo' na steni nad delovno mizo!
bom vprašala še kar tukaj: glede na to, da gilette, wilkinson in podobne zadeve spadajo na črno listo, me zanima, katere izdelke uporabljate za depilacijo? ker od teh na listi mi nobena znamka ni poznana razen balee in amway (p.s. - kje se sploh kupi amway?)

bom vprašala še kar tukaj: glede na to, da gilette, wilkinson in podobne zadeve spadajo na črno listo, me zanima, katere izdelke uporabljate za depilacijo? ker od teh na listi mi nobena znamka ni poznana razen balee in amway (p.s. - kje se sploh kupi amway?)
“Fashion does not only exists in dresses;
fashion is in the air, it is brought in by the wind,
one feels it coming, breathes it in,
it is in the sky and on the pavement,
it depends on ideas, customs, and happenings” - Coco Chanel
fashion is in the air, it is brought in by the wind,
one feels it coming, breathes it in,
it is in the sky and on the pavement,
it depends on ideas, customs, and happenings” - Coco Chanel
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5022
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
^^Za depilacijo maš na voljo baleo, potem kot maš napisano amway (kataloška prodaja), pa avon (tudi kataloška prodaja-mislem da majo svoj gel za britje in britvico), pol ma mercator svoje britvice, afrodita ma mislem, da depilacijsko kremo in vosek... Tole vem na pamet iz glave zdele 

SWEETprinces - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1360
- Na forumu od: 30. 9. 2008
- Kraj: ljubljana
jst imam mercatorjeve britvice in peno od baleje 

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