testiranja na živalih
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5020
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
Naj prosim ena punca piše še enkrat Chanelu in LVMH in naj jih vpraša kako je s testiranjem, predvsem za sestavine. Meni so dali samo bolj splošne odgovore oz. so napisali, da ne testirajo izdelkov, glede sestavin pa nisem dobila odgovora, zato naj jim res še ena piše, pa jih vpraša kako je s sestavinami. Hvala
Ajča - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1369
- Na forumu od: 1. 6. 2009
Kakor sem vidla na seznamu ni Amwaya, ki je trenutno na sivi listi (končnih proizvodov ne testirajo).
Glede sestavin pa še čakam na odgovor, saj mi pri slovenskem Amwayu ni znala odgovorit in je kontaktirala glavnega. Sicer sumim, da ne bom ravno zadovoljna z odgovorom, ampak upati ni greh
Glede sestavin pa še čakam na odgovor, saj mi pri slovenskem Amwayu ni znala odgovorit in je kontaktirala glavnega. Sicer sumim, da ne bom ravno zadovoljna z odgovorom, ampak upati ni greh
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5020
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
^^Ja zdej prenavljamo listo (to verjetno veš) in sem od Amwaya dobila odgovor, da nasprotujejo testiranju na živalih in da tudi njihovi izdelki niso testirani na živalih, razen če je tako določeno z zakonodajo. Zato je na sivi listi. So mi napisali še, da aktivno vodijo pobudo pri ustvarjanju drugih nadomestnih možnosti kot alternativo zahtevanim testiranjem na živalih.
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
In response to your message, certain raw materials may be subject to animal testing by suppliers.
On the other hand, as regards raw materials (which are used as much in cosmetics as in other industries), we do not yet have all the replacement methods, the so-called "alternative" methods, in place to guarantee the safety of consumers.
This is why the raw material and ingredient bans mentioned in the "Cosmetics" Directive are scheduled to come into force between now and 2013 at the latest.
The raw material ban will therefore only become effective as and when alternative methods to animal testing are validated by the ECVAM (European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods).
We are of course in favor of these measures and CHANEL is deeply involved in the perfume-cosmetic industry, financing major research projects with a view to being able to eliminate animal testing. The fact remains, however, that our priority is and always will be consumer safety, first and foremost.
CHANEL doesn't carry out animal testing. A brand concerned with bringing beauty into everyday life cannot allow itself to harm animal or plant life. But although the Brand is actively aware of the important issues of our day, it never uses them as topics for communication. There are many associations worldwide and you can appreciate that we cannot be seen to be giving preferential treatment to any one of these.
Torej, če povzamemo - siva lista.
In response to your message, certain raw materials may be subject to animal testing by suppliers.
On the other hand, as regards raw materials (which are used as much in cosmetics as in other industries), we do not yet have all the replacement methods, the so-called "alternative" methods, in place to guarantee the safety of consumers.
This is why the raw material and ingredient bans mentioned in the "Cosmetics" Directive are scheduled to come into force between now and 2013 at the latest.
The raw material ban will therefore only become effective as and when alternative methods to animal testing are validated by the ECVAM (European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods).
We are of course in favor of these measures and CHANEL is deeply involved in the perfume-cosmetic industry, financing major research projects with a view to being able to eliminate animal testing. The fact remains, however, that our priority is and always will be consumer safety, first and foremost.
CHANEL doesn't carry out animal testing. A brand concerned with bringing beauty into everyday life cannot allow itself to harm animal or plant life. But although the Brand is actively aware of the important issues of our day, it never uses them as topics for communication. There are many associations worldwide and you can appreciate that we cannot be seen to be giving preferential treatment to any one of these.
Torej, če povzamemo - siva lista.
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
softTouch napisal/-a:UG84 si mogoče te čigumije mislila?
jaz sem jih enkrat kupila pa so žal neuporabni, ker se že po minuti žvečenja porazgubi ves okus. žal
Prejšnji teden sem jih šla kupit, ti so, ja. Vzela sem okus mint (no, saj so samo tega še imeli). Glede na to, da jaz zelo malo uporabljam žvečilne in da mi je pri njih glavno, da si osvežim dah in eventuelno malo popucam zobke so mi všeč.
- okus (ki je zelo zelo dober) se zelo hitro izgubi,
- žvečilni postane med žvečenjem neprijetno trd.
Jaz ga hitro zavržem, ker v tem času že opravi svojo funkcijo, da bi pa celo večnost žvečila, pa nisem nikol imela navade.
- biorazgradljivi (ne obremenjujejo okolja)
- ne vsebujejo škodljivih snovi ter umetnih arom kot ostali žvečilni (KLIK KORISTNO) ne obremenjujejo okolja
- cruelty free
Sessa - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1171
- Na forumu od: 20. 4. 2007
- Kraj: Maribor
Hello, sem prejela odgovor na email in moje vprašanje o testiranju izdelkov, odgovor je pa bil tole:
Respect for living beings and the environment: these two key values of our company are the foundation of our ethical charter
Biomill SA undertakes to respect the animal's well-being in all its activities.
Biomill SA undertakes not to carry out experiments or have experiments carried out on animals that cause physical or psychological suffering.
Biomill SA undertakes to support associations that work towards the well-being of animals and the environment as far as possible (WWF, RSPCA)
Biomill SA undertakes to reduce its impact on the environment every year (ISO 14001)
Biomill SA undertakes to communicate with complete openness the contents of its food to any customer who requests it.
Biomill SA undertakes to receive and inform any person interested in its activities
kaj menite? Gre pa za pasje brikete...
Respect for living beings and the environment: these two key values of our company are the foundation of our ethical charter
Biomill SA undertakes to respect the animal's well-being in all its activities.
Biomill SA undertakes not to carry out experiments or have experiments carried out on animals that cause physical or psychological suffering.
Biomill SA undertakes to support associations that work towards the well-being of animals and the environment as far as possible (WWF, RSPCA)
Biomill SA undertakes to reduce its impact on the environment every year (ISO 14001)
Biomill SA undertakes to communicate with complete openness the contents of its food to any customer who requests it.
Biomill SA undertakes to receive and inform any person interested in its activities
kaj menite? Gre pa za pasje brikete...
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