testiranja na živalih
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
positive vibration - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 2157
- Na forumu od: 19. 3. 2006
A bi lahko mogoče prilepla njihov odgovor sem?
There once was a note
pure and easy
Playing so free,
like a breath rippling by...
pure and easy
Playing so free,
like a breath rippling by...
- Noelle212
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 7
- Na forumu od: 19. 5. 2011
Evo, sem prilepila njen odgovor. Tiste ne-je pri spodnjih vprašanjih, ki sem ji jih poslala, je tudi postavla ona. Sicer pa, ali bi lahko bilo tako, da to velja samo za Dr. Beckmann-a in ne za Blistex, čeprav gre za istega proizvajalca?
Dear Mrs.,
our answer, of all your questions reads no.
Yours sincerely
delta pronatura
Sabine Arning
Customer service
Tel +49(0)6103-4045-200
Fax +49(0)6103-4045-4177
An: sarning@delta-pronatura.de
Betreff: Re: Dr.Beckmann animal testing policy
Dear Mrs. Arning,
thank you very much for your quick reply, but to be honest I was hoping you could give more detailed answer. I'm still not sure whether you buy ingredients that were tested by other companies or you perhaps order other companies to do these tests for you.
Would you please give me answers to the following 5 questions:
(1) Do you test a finished cosmetic product on animals? No
(2) Do you test individual ingredients of cosmetic products on animals?No
(3) Do you test any combination of ingredients on animals?No
(4) Do you contract a third-party company to perform any of the above tests? No
(5) Do you use a subsidiary or third-party company to perform any of the above tests in countries were animal testing is not banned?No
Kind regards.
Dear Mrs.,
our answer, of all your questions reads no.
Yours sincerely
delta pronatura
Sabine Arning
Customer service
Tel +49(0)6103-4045-200
Fax +49(0)6103-4045-4177
An: sarning@delta-pronatura.de
Betreff: Re: Dr.Beckmann animal testing policy
Dear Mrs. Arning,
thank you very much for your quick reply, but to be honest I was hoping you could give more detailed answer. I'm still not sure whether you buy ingredients that were tested by other companies or you perhaps order other companies to do these tests for you.
Would you please give me answers to the following 5 questions:
(1) Do you test a finished cosmetic product on animals? No
(2) Do you test individual ingredients of cosmetic products on animals?No
(3) Do you test any combination of ingredients on animals?No
(4) Do you contract a third-party company to perform any of the above tests? No
(5) Do you use a subsidiary or third-party company to perform any of the above tests in countries were animal testing is not banned?No
Kind regards.
- Noelle212
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 7
- Na forumu od: 19. 5. 2011
še ena informacija... zgoraj navedeno velja za Dr.Beckmann-a, za Blistex je treba drugje vprašat... sem mislila, da je to isti proizvajalec pa očitno ni (za Blistex so zgleda samo distributerji, pa še to oni niso za Slovenijo)... se opravičujem za zmedo
- .nogavička
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 8
- Na forumu od: 7. 5. 2011
Živjo! Jest sm pa vprašala za izdelke Ziaja, ki se tudi dobijo pri nas in so mi tkole odgovoril:
Ziaja International
Hi! Here are the answers to your questions:
1) We don't test Ziaja products on animals.
2) We don't use any ingredients which are currently tested on animals. Some of them were subject to one-off tests in the 80s - at that time there weren't any alternative methods secure for people and eliminating animal testing.
3) Neither individual ingredients nor combinations of ingredients are tested on animals.
4) No, we don't co-operate with companies performing tests on animals.
5) We don't co-operate with companies from the countries where testing on animals is not forbidden.
Ziaja International
Hi! Here are the answers to your questions:
1) We don't test Ziaja products on animals.
2) We don't use any ingredients which are currently tested on animals. Some of them were subject to one-off tests in the 80s - at that time there weren't any alternative methods secure for people and eliminating animal testing.
3) Neither individual ingredients nor combinations of ingredients are tested on animals.
4) No, we don't co-operate with companies performing tests on animals.
5) We don't co-operate with companies from the countries where testing on animals is not forbidden.
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
Noelle212 napisal/-a:še ena informacija... zgoraj navedeno velja za Dr.Beckmann-a, za Blistex je treba drugje vprašat... sem mislila, da je to isti proizvajalec pa očitno ni (za Blistex so zgleda samo distributerji, pa še to oni niso za Slovenijo)... se opravičujem za zmedo
se mi je zdel čudno za Blistex...
- Noelle212
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 7
- Na forumu od: 19. 5. 2011
ja, sej mene je tud groza kaj vse gre v odtoke
... za čiščenje vodnega kamna, preprečevanje zamašitve odtokov, preprečevanje neprijetnih vonjav v hladilniku, mehčanje perila in drugo se sicer lahko uporablja vsestranska soda bikarbona, samo pa spet ne vem ali je ta testirana na živalih ali ne?... verjetno odvisno od proizvajalca...
glede školjke je pa tako, da jo tudi jaz redno čistim, samo bi vseeno rada da mal diši po kopalnici... bom šla pa v lov za kakšno dišavo za v kopalnico pa bo...

glede školjke je pa tako, da jo tudi jaz redno čistim, samo bi vseeno rada da mal diši po kopalnici... bom šla pa v lov za kakšno dišavo za v kopalnico pa bo...
Kdo je na strani
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