testiranja na živalih
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
linkica - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 595
- Na forumu od: 5. 3. 2006
UG84 dodaj na belo listo INIKO prosim. to je dekorativna kozmetika.
http://www.natura-trgovina.si/?page=sho ... mark_id=35
http://www.natura-trgovina.si/?page=sho ... mark_id=35
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
Jaz sem dobila odgovor, s katerim pa nisem čisto zadovoljna, zato sem jim poslala nazaj dodatno vprašanje, da mi odgovorijo z jasnim da ali ne za sestavine.
Prvi odgovor:
The Laboratories Pierre Fabre offer to consumers products adapted to their needs, as well as guaranteeing utmost safety.
Our main aim is to protect life in all its forms and especially human life : the pharmaceutical origin of our laboratories is proof.
The European cosmetic directive (76/768/CEE amended on March 11th 2003) obliges the manufacturer to use alternative methods available in order to test the new cosmetic raw materials and finished goods.
Being aware of this, we stopped using animal tests many years ago to check the security of our cosmetic products during their creation years ago and we have set up a programme in 3 parts :
· Development of substitute tests on cell cultures in our skin culture laboratory.
· Use of different methods available on the market and active participation in the validation programmes set up by official French and European bodies.
· Creation of the Pierre Fabre Prize to award the best national research undertaken on substitute methods. This prize is given out during the annual seminar of the Société Pharmaco-Toxicologie Cellulaire.
In fact, to test our products and to ensure for consumers the indispensable security of every cosmetic product, we rely essentially on the existing information concerning the innocuousness of the ingredients used. The tolerance of the finished goods is then tested by the use of alternative methods (methods in vitro then tests of clinical tolerance on healthy volunteers in accordance with the law on the protection of people consenting to biomedical research tests) We also test real product use and efficiency on human beings.
Finally, each lot of ingredients delivered to our factories is submitted to very elaborated physicochemical and bacteriological controls, in order to verify the identity, the purity and the quality of the ingredients used in the formula. - zarad tega dela sem jim poslala dodatno vprašanje
Drugi odgovor:
Avène Dermatological Laboratories have been in compliance with the 7th amendment of the European Cosmetic Directive (76/768/EC) since March 2005, in particular with the requirements on animal testing (article 4 bis)
No animal testing on finished products and activity for the brand Avene.
And any ingredients bought from external manufacturers are from those with cruelty free policy.
Tako da, bela lista.
Prvi odgovor:
The Laboratories Pierre Fabre offer to consumers products adapted to their needs, as well as guaranteeing utmost safety.
Our main aim is to protect life in all its forms and especially human life : the pharmaceutical origin of our laboratories is proof.
The European cosmetic directive (76/768/CEE amended on March 11th 2003) obliges the manufacturer to use alternative methods available in order to test the new cosmetic raw materials and finished goods.
Being aware of this, we stopped using animal tests many years ago to check the security of our cosmetic products during their creation years ago and we have set up a programme in 3 parts :
· Development of substitute tests on cell cultures in our skin culture laboratory.
· Use of different methods available on the market and active participation in the validation programmes set up by official French and European bodies.
· Creation of the Pierre Fabre Prize to award the best national research undertaken on substitute methods. This prize is given out during the annual seminar of the Société Pharmaco-Toxicologie Cellulaire.
In fact, to test our products and to ensure for consumers the indispensable security of every cosmetic product, we rely essentially on the existing information concerning the innocuousness of the ingredients used. The tolerance of the finished goods is then tested by the use of alternative methods (methods in vitro then tests of clinical tolerance on healthy volunteers in accordance with the law on the protection of people consenting to biomedical research tests) We also test real product use and efficiency on human beings.
Finally, each lot of ingredients delivered to our factories is submitted to very elaborated physicochemical and bacteriological controls, in order to verify the identity, the purity and the quality of the ingredients used in the formula. - zarad tega dela sem jim poslala dodatno vprašanje
Drugi odgovor:
Avène Dermatological Laboratories have been in compliance with the 7th amendment of the European Cosmetic Directive (76/768/EC) since March 2005, in particular with the requirements on animal testing (article 4 bis)
No animal testing on finished products and activity for the brand Avene.
And any ingredients bought from external manufacturers are from those with cruelty free policy.
Tako da, bela lista.
Zadnjič spremenil UG84, dne 23. Jun. 2010 12:13, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
haley - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5020
- Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2007
O super, da so na beli listi! Si bom verjetno njihovo kremo za sončenje privoščila! A se jo dobi samo v lekarni?
Dodaj na listo še kozmetiko GREENLAND: http://www.greenland.nl/introduction.php.
To je negovalna kozmetika z eko certifikatom.
Dodaj na listo še kozmetiko GREENLAND: http://www.greenland.nl/introduction.php.
To je negovalna kozmetika z eko certifikatom.
UG84 - Cosmo moderatorka
- Prispevkov: 2524
- Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2009
A jim pošlješ prosim mail da to tudi napišejo (tudi za sestavinein dobavitelje sestavin), ker včasih sicer eno podjetje ne testira, potem pa se izkaže, da je v bistvu samo en večje združbe, ki pa testira - primer Tigija ali pa TBS.
linkica - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 595
- Na forumu od: 5. 3. 2006
sem jih poslala ze mail... cakam sicer na odgovor, ampak glede na napisano na spletni strani:
"5. Pozornost in sočutje
Živeti po naravnih načelih je mnogo več kot tehnika. Zahteva notranjo držo na podlagi globokega razumevanja ter spoštovanja in sočutja do narave.
Če hočemo kaj storiti proti nasilju, bodisi nad človekom bodisi nad okoljem ali živalmi, se moramo naučiti spoštovati življenje kot nekaj svetega.
Dopuščanje, da morajo živali kot del stvarstva prenašati trpinčenje v poskusih, ki se izvajajo na njih, je okrutno in ni združljivo z ljubeznijo do narave."
"Ko gre za vaše zdravje, ne sklepamo kompromisov. Lastni nasadi omogočajo nadzorovanje vseh dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na kakovost, delovanje in učinkovitost zeliščnega zdravila. "
dvomim, da bi testirali, ker sami pridelujejo
"5. Pozornost in sočutje
Živeti po naravnih načelih je mnogo več kot tehnika. Zahteva notranjo držo na podlagi globokega razumevanja ter spoštovanja in sočutja do narave.
Če hočemo kaj storiti proti nasilju, bodisi nad človekom bodisi nad okoljem ali živalmi, se moramo naučiti spoštovati življenje kot nekaj svetega.
Dopuščanje, da morajo živali kot del stvarstva prenašati trpinčenje v poskusih, ki se izvajajo na njih, je okrutno in ni združljivo z ljubeznijo do narave."
"Ko gre za vaše zdravje, ne sklepamo kompromisov. Lastni nasadi omogočajo nadzorovanje vseh dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na kakovost, delovanje in učinkovitost zeliščnega zdravila. "
dvomim, da bi testirali, ker sami pridelujejo
Kdo je na strani
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