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Od družabnih iger; izbiranja daril, verzov in glasbe;
pa vse do mega koncertov in zabav

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Na forumu od: 8. 6. 2011
Kraj: Divjina

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a DiNozzo » 28. Jun. 2012 5:09


Sentir las caricias del sol
A la orilla del mar, amor
Que baña el litoral
Es lo que ansío yo

Y allí en un cañaveral
Bronceándome la piel sentir
De la tierra en mis pies
El aire tropical

Y duerme en esa clara hamaca
Que mece la mañana, amor
La transparencia azúl
colgando de una palma

Como un racimo natural
Del cielo mismo al despertar
Saberme entre los brazos
De mi tierra natal

Sentir en el aire sutil
De la noche al morir, amor
En la aurora nacer
El canto del corral

Oír en el amanecer
Relinchos y mujidos
Y sobre un tamarindo
Cantar un gallo fino

Bis Corus

Es que mi alma soñadora casi no vive
quiere navegar por mares del caribe
(repetir 3 veces)
To feel the caress of the sun
By the edge of the sea, my love
That bathes the shore
Is what I long for

And there, by a sugar cane grove
While I tan my skin to feel
Through the earth on my feet
The tropical breezes

And sleeping in that clear hammock
Rocked by the morning, my love
Its clear blueness
Hanging from a palm tree

Like a natural branch
From heaven, to wake up
And to find myself in the arms
Of my home land

To feel the soft breeze
Of the evening as it ends, my love
And at dawn the start
Of the crowing from the barn

To hear at daybreak
Neighings and moos
And atop a tamarind
The crowing of a fine rooster

Repeat Chorus

It’s just that my dreaming heart barely lives
It wants to sail Carribean seas
(repeat 3 times)
He cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the doctors/.../He cannot argue them into thin air or blame the judge like the lawyers. The engineer simply cannot deny he did it.

- Herbert Hoover on engineering
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a emanuela » 28. Jun. 2012 8:55

In namen te teme je?
The world is as you are.
Prispevkov: 2076
Na forumu od: 27. 4. 2010

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a dot » 28. Jun. 2012 13:20

Heh, pa res... Mogoče se je hotel poslovit ob odhodu in bi rad, da mu noter pišemo lepe želje in pozdrave oz. kako ga bomo pogrešali :D Ali pa išče dopustniško glasbo za s sabo :)

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