Smer vrtenja - naši možgani
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
..aNia*. - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 296
- Na forumu od: 25. 2. 2007
Mayflower* napisal/-a:Vrti se v desno in pol v levo, stalno menja smer, samo pozorno jo je treba gledat
komentar na spletni strani:
The ANSWER is... In the animation, she spins CLOCKWISE. You can see this if you download a gif animation program, eg. MS Gif Animator ( ) and open the animation gif file. You will see it contains 34 frames of animation, and in those frames, she is spinning CLOCKWISE. So if you see her spinning anti-clockwise, it is all because of your BRAIN. There is nothing in the animation that is making her spin anti-clockwise. I hope these instructions will prove to all those people who are saying the animation was created to have her changing directions every x seconds.
Vsak zakaj ma svoj zato pravijo

drugače pa se meni vrti v levo stran, razn če gledam animacijo sam zato da pač neki gledam, potem se mi vrti v desno

Don''t care what people say, just follow your own way...
Kdo je na strani
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