Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
*waterlily* - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 95
- Na forumu od: 12. 3. 2008
Pa je ta plesen v prostoru lahko kej škodljiva za človeka?
In every girl's life there's a boy she'll never forget...and a summer when it all began.
lakeesha - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 963
- Na forumu od: 10. 11. 2004
- Kraj: domžale
Zadnjič spremenil lakeesha, dne 10. Jun. 2009 7:54, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
She can't even call up her friends and say "help me save my life"... She's so ashamed of herself that she's come full circle, nobody understands what it's like to be this girl... so she disappeared,
and she didn't say where she was going
and she didn't say where she was going
Natashaa - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 96
- Na forumu od: 20. 4. 2008
kera je zdaj tista najbolj učinkovita firma ne vem, ker je že tolko teh sredstev za kopalnico proti plesni.... Jaz kr z Arfom namažem pustim nekaj časa in z gobico dol zribam... Gre vse dol. Samo čez kakšen mesec se zopet kje kaj pojavi..In gremo jovo na novo 

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