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mademoiselle - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 15
- Na forumu od: 19. 3. 2005
- Kraj: za devetimi gorami in devetimi vodami
[quote="miikena"][u]Nina[/u]Gender: Feminine
Meaning: Girl
Origin: Spanish
Usage: Russian, English, German, French
Other Scripts: Нина (Russian)
Pronounced: NEE-na
Short form of names that end in nina. This name also coincides with the Spanish word niña meaning "little girl". [/quote]
Jz sm tud nina.:female: In sm majhna deklica, semizdi da lahko pomeni tudi pravnukinja. Je pa španskega in hebrejskega izvora.
Meaning: Girl
Origin: Spanish
Usage: Russian, English, German, French
Other Scripts: Нина (Russian)
Pronounced: NEE-na
Short form of names that end in nina. This name also coincides with the Spanish word niña meaning "little girl". [/quote]
Jz sm tud nina.:female: In sm majhna deklica, semizdi da lahko pomeni tudi pravnukinja. Je pa španskega in hebrejskega izvora.
keks? :-)
gemini - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1680
- Na forumu od: 8. 9. 2004
- Kraj: notranjska
Yanc napisal/-a:jaz sem tut janja pa nic ne najdem...niti tistih cestitk ko so skor vsa imena gor ni z imenom janja...kaki bed!!
lej kaj sm najdla

Though the name Janja creates the urge to understand and help people, we draw to your attention that it causes an emotional intensity and sensitivity that is hard to control. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid and nervous system.
Your first name of Janja has given you a friendly, likeable nature, and you could excel in artistic, dramatic, and musical expression. With this name, you desire the finer things in life, but you do not always have the resolve and vitality to put forth the effort necessary to fulfil your desires. Your emotional feelings are easily affected and you will always be involved in other people's problems as a result of your overly sympathetic nature.
Ko odvržeš vso strast
in me prideš nežno krast
tvoji poljubi z dlanmi kot bi mi
ustavil čas in že se dani (Neisha)
in me prideš nežno krast
tvoji poljubi z dlanmi kot bi mi
ustavil čas in že se dani (Neisha)
- zvezdica5
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 36
- Na forumu od: 23. 1. 2005
¤MiSsY¤ napisal/-a:Anja
pomen: grace of god
Izhaja iz imena Ana - pač ruska varianta je Anja al pa Anastazija (tko nm je povedala nasa profesorca za ruscino-sm bla cist ponosna)
Hihi... Jst sm tole našla:
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Scandinavian, Finnish, Slovene
Scandinavian, Finnish and Slovene pet form of ANNA
Sm drgač tud Anja hehe... Jst sm pa k sm bla mejhna pa sm mela knjigo Anastazija pa je notr pisal da so jo drgač klical Anja hehe... Pa sm bla tud full ponosna na to... O anja, o tebi se mi sanja nocoj... =)
- zvezdica5
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 36
- Na forumu od: 23. 1. 2005
Aja ups, nism pogledala da je že ena napisala tist o imenu Anja. Kokr sm vidla smo v tej temi že štiri Anje sodelovale... Hihi... Aja samo tok za informacijo:
Število žensk z imenom ANJA: 7.664 (ali 0,7 % vseh žensk)
Med vsemi ženskimi imeni je ime ANJA po pogostnosti uvrščeno na 28. mesto.
Število žensk z imenom ANJA: 7.664 (ali 0,7 % vseh žensk)
Med vsemi ženskimi imeni je ime ANJA po pogostnosti uvrščeno na 28. mesto.
LARIKA - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1209
- Na forumu od: 6. 2. 2005
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: DAY-zee [key]
Simply means "daisy" from the English word for the white flower, ultimately derived from Old English dægeseage meaning "day eye".
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: DAY-zee [key]
Simply means "daisy" from the English word for the white flower, ultimately derived from Old English dægeseage meaning "day eye".
Ženske moramo biti lepe, da nas moški ljubijo, in neumne, da lahko ljubimo njih.
Coco Chanel
Coco Chanel
Tigi - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 2821
- Na forumu od: 29. 1. 2005
- Kraj: kjer diši po bencinu in zažganih gumah...
Possibly from either Greek (Helene) "torch" or "corposant", or Greek
(selene) "moon". In Greek mythology Helen was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose kidnapping by Paris was the cause of the Trojan War. The name was also borne by Saint Helena, mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, who supposedly found the True Cross during a trip to Jerusalem. Another famous bearer was Helen Keller, the American author and lecturer who was both blind and deaf.
Possibly from either Greek (Helene) "torch" or "corposant", or Greek
(selene) "moon". In Greek mythology Helen was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose kidnapping by Paris was the cause of the Trojan War. The name was also borne by Saint Helena, mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, who supposedly found the True Cross during a trip to Jerusalem. Another famous bearer was Helen Keller, the American author and lecturer who was both blind and deaf.
...poraunej vooolan!!! Bencin, bel dim, črna črta po sredin, okn dol, vroč krom, prletim čez ovink, rada mam k zacvil, rada mam k drsi, rada imam vonj po gumah, naj se kadi...
**SiMoN@** - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 930
- Na forumu od: 20. 6. 2005
The girl's name Simona is related to Simone. Search for names similar to Simona starting with Si-, Sim- or ending with -na, -ona, -mona, -imona.
Simona is a common female first name, ranking 2115 out of 4275 for females of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census. Simona is a rare surname as it was not ranked for people of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census.
Simona is a common female first name, ranking 2115 out of 4275 for females of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census. Simona is a rare surname as it was not ranked for people of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census.
allessya - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 702
- Na forumu od: 9. 4. 2006
ALEKSANDRA (feminine form of Alexander)
From the Greek name Αλεξανδρος (Alexandros), which meant "defending men" from Greek αλεξω (alexo) "to defend, help" and ανηρ (aner) "man" (genitive ανδρος (andros)). Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, is the most famous bearer of this name. In the 4th century BC he built a huge empire out of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India. This was also the name of emperors of Russia, kings of Scotland and Yugoslavia, and eight popes. Also, Sir Alexander MacKenzie was an explorer of the north and west of Canada in the 18th century.
From the Greek name Αλεξανδρος (Alexandros), which meant "defending men" from Greek αλεξω (alexo) "to defend, help" and ανηρ (aner) "man" (genitive ανδρος (andros)). Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, is the most famous bearer of this name. In the 4th century BC he built a huge empire out of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India. This was also the name of emperors of Russia, kings of Scotland and Yugoslavia, and eight popes. Also, Sir Alexander MacKenzie was an explorer of the north and west of Canada in the 18th century.
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