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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a bejbika » 31. Jul. 2005 17:15

evo še zame ... kak rata bejbi, če mu daš ime ula :P
Baby Name Ula
Gender Girl
Origin Celtic
Meaning Jewel Of The Sea
Expression: 7
A baby Girl with a Destiny of 7 is most likely destined to be some sort of critical thinker. They grow to have the logic, patience, and thoroughness that allows them to investigate something down to it's core and learn all the secrets involved. If you want a child that's inquisitive, meticulous, and driven to learn Ula would be a good baby Girl name.
Soul Urge: 4
A baby with a soul urge of 4 will tend to grow into a stable, systematic doer. If you want an organized, practical planner, choosing Ula for a baby name is a good start.
Personality: 3
People see those with Personalities of 3 as artistic, social, and cheerful. If you want a baby that people will see as enthusiastic, expressive optimists while they grow, Ula would be a good baby name.
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Prispevkov: 1529
Na forumu od: 13. 11. 2004

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a miikena » 31. Jul. 2005 17:29

Gender: Feminine
Meaning: Girl
Origin: Spanish
Usage: Russian, English, German, French
Other Scripts: Нина (Russian)
Pronounced: NEE-na

Short form of names that end in nina. This name also coincides with the Spanish word niña meaning "little girl".

Nina (2)
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Near Eastern Mythology
Means "enclosure of fish" in Babylonian. This was the name of a Babylonian fertility goddess, the patron goddess of the city of Nineveh.

Nina (3)
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Native American
Means "fire" in Quechua.
Listen to the energy within. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined!
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Na forumu od: 18. 2. 2005
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a t-e-a » 31. Jul. 2005 18:42

Men je ime Tea in to po špansk pomen princeska :) se strinjam hahahaha
Drgač nj bi biu pa ta ime egipčanskega izvora neki v povezavi s tutankamonam (njegova mama al žena al neki tazga), po gršk pomen divja roža al črna roža neki tazga pa po anglešk čaj ane :lol:
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Prispevkov: 25
Na forumu od: 6. 10. 2004

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a darči » 31. Jul. 2005 18:44

Gender: Feminine
Usage: Italian, English, Polish
Pronounced: DAHR-ee-a, DER-ee-a [key]

Feminine form of DARIUS. Saint Daria was a 3rd-century Greek woman who was martyred with her husband Chrysanthus under the Roman emperor Numerian.
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Prispevkov: 782
Na forumu od: 12. 5. 2005
Kraj: Litija

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a ¤MiSsY¤ » 31. Jul. 2005 18:49

pomen: grace of god
Izhaja iz imena Ana - pač ruska varianta je Anja al pa Anastazija (tko nm je povedala nasa profesorca za ruscino-sm bla cist ponosna)
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Na forumu od: 23. 7. 2004

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a sAdie » 31. Jul. 2005 18:56

Gender: Female
Meaning: A Spice or Palm Tree
Origin: Hebrew

Gender: Female
Meaning: Princess, Aunt
Origin: Spanish
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Na forumu od: 20. 11. 2004

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a cukrck » 31. Jul. 2005 20:48

¤MiSsY¤ napisal/-a:Anja
pomen: grace of god
Izhaja iz imena Ana - pač ruska varianta je Anja al pa Anastazija (tko nm je povedala nasa profesorca za ruscino-sm bla cist ponosna)

Jst pa še tole dodajam, k je men tut Anja ime :D

Gender: Feminine
Usage: Scandinavian, Finnish, Slovene

While the name Anja creates the urge to organize and work with others, we point out that it causes an over-emphasis on material things that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid and reproductive organs.

Although your name of Anja gives you a good appreciation of material values, business ability, and skill in organizing and managing others, your success is limited at times, by a lack of self-confidence and initiative. This name brings out a practical, composed quality, with a strong desire for a good standard of living in an environment where you are in contact with distinguished, successful people. You try to further your interests through pursuing the association of people with influence.
Vsakršna oblika sreče je zasebna. Naši največji trenutki so osebni, imajo svoj razlog, so nedotakljivi. Stvari, ki so nam svete in dragocene, so stvari, ki jih črpamo iz skupnih doživetij. (Ayn Rand)
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Na forumu od: 8. 1. 2005

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a dasa » 31. Jul. 2005 20:55

Tanja je pomanjševalnica imena Tatjana. Tanya oz. Tania, kot ime uporabljajo na zahodu, pa izhaja iz imena Titania, kar v osnovi pomeni "velikan" (zato ni presenetljivo, da so najbolj mogočno ladjo s kasneje najbolj tragično usodo poimenovali Titanic). V srednjeveški folklori je bila Titania Oberonova žena in vilinska kraljica.

The name Tanja creates the urge to understand and help others, we stress that it causes a blunt expression that alienates others. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems, and tension or accidents to the head.

The name of Tanja creates a friendly, sociable, charming nature, but causes you to be too easily influenced by others. While you find it easy to meet and mix, and can appear agreeable and compromising in conversation, you can become unbending and forceful if pressed too far. Others learn that you cannot be told what to do and you seldom change your mind once it is made up. You prefer situations that allow a degree of independence, but are reluctant to take on a demanding work-load or responsibility.
Ljubezen je kot delifin, ki se kopa v neskončni toplini tvojih oči, zato jih nikoli, zares nikoli ne zapri, saj pravijo, da delfini umirajo v temi.
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Na forumu od: 10. 12. 2004

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tanja__ » 31. Jul. 2005 21:34

Ime Tanja naj bi pomenilo mogočno, trdno, v nekem smislu nepremagljivo. Iz imena Titania je zaradi samega pomena nastalo ime Titanic. :)
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Na forumu od: 20. 1. 2005
Kraj: LJ

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a miska13 » 31. Jul. 2005 21:52

Gender: Feminine
Usage: German, Swedish, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Other Scripts: Катарина (Serbian)
Extra Info: Popularity, Related Names, Name Days, Comments
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Cognate of KATHERINE

From the Greek name Αικατερινη (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘Εκατερινη (Hekaterine), which came from ‘εκατερος (hekateros) "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek αικια (aikia) "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans associated it with Greek καθαρος (katharos) "pure" and changed their spelling from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this. The name belonged to a 4th-century saint and martyr from Alexandria who was tortured on the famous Catherine wheel. Another saint by this name was Catherine of Siena, a 14th-century mystic. This name was also borne by two empresses of Russia, including Catherine the Great, and by three of Henry VIII's wives.
Beatus non est qui habet quae cupit, sed qui non cupit quae non habet !!!
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a *Ancy* » 01. Avg. 2005 10:51

Moje ime je Anja

Gender: Female
Meaning: Grace of God
Origin: Russian


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Na forumu od: 12. 4. 2005

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Applebitecc » 01. Avg. 2005 14:03

Gender: Female
Meaning: Female Bear
Origin: Scandinavian --> Drugje piše celo Latin, samo kakor vem je Russian. Tako da ti vaši podatki niso ravno zanesljivi na tej strani. :)
From the Name URSULA
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a cosmy » 01. Avg. 2005 14:15


Gender: Female
Meaning: Fairy Queen
Origin: Slavic

Diminutive form of TATIANA.

Uiiii, I'm a fairy queen :)
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Na forumu od: 16. 11. 2004

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Bulma » 01. Avg. 2005 16:18

Mater, jest sem pa Nuša, pa nič ne najdem :(
Is sex dirty? Only if it’s done right.
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Na forumu od: 31. 1. 2005
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tamala` » 21. Avg. 2005 23:15

Bulma napisal/-a:Mater, jest sem pa Nuša, pa nič ne najdem :(
Origin - Hebrew
Meaning - Grace

Moje ime je pa rusko in pomeni bleščeča luč :D

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