Could someone help me translate from English to Slovenian?
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
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- DriveUp
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 4
- Na forumu od: 7. 10. 2013
Hi all!
I am a random guy living in a European country who does not speak Slovenian at all, and who wants to surprise his boyfriend with a video message in Slovenian! Pretty crazy, right? So let me explain this a little bit more: although we live quite far away from Slovenia, my boyfriend has fallen totally in love with the country. He studied the language at University, and then went to live and study in Ljubljana for one year. He is now back home, but he really misses Slovenia. So I thought, let's make him feel a little bit back in Slovenia with a recorded video message in Slovene. Sounds like a nice idea, right? But since I don't speak Slovenian, I'm gonna need some help of people who do! So would anyone want to help me by translating this text for me?
I would really appreciate it a lot if anyone could translate this little text to Slovene for me, so I can record it
I am a random guy living in a European country who does not speak Slovenian at all, and who wants to surprise his boyfriend with a video message in Slovenian! Pretty crazy, right? So let me explain this a little bit more: although we live quite far away from Slovenia, my boyfriend has fallen totally in love with the country. He studied the language at University, and then went to live and study in Ljubljana for one year. He is now back home, but he really misses Slovenia. So I thought, let's make him feel a little bit back in Slovenia with a recorded video message in Slovene. Sounds like a nice idea, right? But since I don't speak Slovenian, I'm gonna need some help of people who do! So would anyone want to help me by translating this text for me?
Hi (name of my boyfriend)!
I have a message for you. I know you miss Slovenia a lot, and that's why I wanted to bring Slovenia a little bit to you by recording this message in Slovenian. So here it goes.
I love you.
I love your smile.
I love your sense of humor.
I love how you are not subtle at all.
I love waking up next to you.
I love watching you sleep.
I love how we always have so much fun together.
I am so happy that I got to know you, my life feels so much more complete ever since I met you. I never want to lose you.
I love you.
I would really appreciate it a lot if anyone could translate this little text to Slovene for me, so I can record it

..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Imam sporočilo zate. Vem, da zelo pogrešaš Slovenijo in zato sem želel malo Slovenije pripeljati k tebi tako, da sem posnel to sporočilo v slovenskem jeziku.
Pa gremo.
Ljubim te.
Ljubim tvoj nasmeh.
Ljubim tvoj smisel za humor.
Ljubim kako se niti malo ne trudiš biti subtilen.
Rad se prebujam ob tebi.
Rad te gledam kako spiš.
Ljubim to, da se skupaj vedno tako zelo zabavava.
Zelo sem srečen, ker sem te spoznal. Moje življenje je, odkar sem spoznal tebe, veliko bolj popolno. Nikoli te ne želim izgubiti.
Ljubim te.
This is a pretty plain but accurate translation. Its not written poeticly but i think this will be easier for your boyfriend to understand, since he probably isnt a huge expert in slovene language yet ( if he is, congrats
). Anyhow, this would be it. You can share your recording with us as well, it would be really cute to hear a foreigner talking in slovenian language.
Hope it goes well for you and your boyfriend!

Imam sporočilo zate. Vem, da zelo pogrešaš Slovenijo in zato sem želel malo Slovenije pripeljati k tebi tako, da sem posnel to sporočilo v slovenskem jeziku.
Pa gremo.
Ljubim te.
Ljubim tvoj nasmeh.
Ljubim tvoj smisel za humor.
Ljubim kako se niti malo ne trudiš biti subtilen.
Rad se prebujam ob tebi.
Rad te gledam kako spiš.
Ljubim to, da se skupaj vedno tako zelo zabavava.
Zelo sem srečen, ker sem te spoznal. Moje življenje je, odkar sem spoznal tebe, veliko bolj popolno. Nikoli te ne želim izgubiti.
Ljubim te.
This is a pretty plain but accurate translation. Its not written poeticly but i think this will be easier for your boyfriend to understand, since he probably isnt a huge expert in slovene language yet ( if he is, congrats

Hope it goes well for you and your boyfriend!
It was forever..but it didnt last long..
- DriveUp
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 4
- Na forumu od: 7. 10. 2013
..Evelyn.. napisal/-a:Živjo YOUR BOYFRIEND
Imam sporočilo zate. Vem, da zelo pogrešaš Slovenijo in zato sem želel malo Slovenije pripeljati k tebi tako, da sem posnel to sporočilo v slovenskem jeziku.
Pa gremo.
Ljubim te.
Ljubim tvoj nasmeh.
Ljubim tvoj smisel za humor.
Ljubim kako se niti malo ne trudiš biti subtilen.
Rad se prebujam ob tebi.
Rad te gledam kako spiš.
Ljubim to, da se skupaj vedno tako zelo zabavava.
Zelo sem srečen, ker sem te spoznal. Moje življenje je, odkar sem spoznal tebe, veliko bolj popolno. Nikoli te ne želim izgubiti.
Ljubim te.
This is a pretty plain but accurate translation. Its not written poeticly but i think this will be easier for your boyfriend to understand, since he probably isnt a huge expert in slovene language yet ( if he is, congrats). Anyhow, this would be it. You can share your recording with us as well, it would be really cute to hear a foreigner talking in slovenian language.
Hope it goes well for you and your boyfriend!
Well actually, he is! He lived in Ljubljana for almost 1 year, he had a lot of Slovenian friends there and almost constantly spoke Slovene. So understanding this is not going to be a problem at all

But I still need to be able to record this, so yeah, let's keep it simple

..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Oh, great. Your boyfriend didnt happen to go to Filozofska fakulteta and his name starts with the letter G? 

It was forever..but it didnt last long..
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008

It was forever..but it didnt last long..
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
No, i didnt. Ill send you one. You can see it when you recieve it under "imaš 1 novo sporočilo" next to "odjava" and your nick on the right upper side of the screen. 

It was forever..but it didnt last long..
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