Smrtna kazen
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
rinca - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1261
- Na forumu od: 27. 3. 2006
jullia_ napisal/-a:sej v bistvu ima pa po eni strani prav. generalna prevencija je eden od namenov sankcioniranja kaznivih dejanj. poleg tega pa še specialna prevencija (da pač odstraniš nevarnega človeka iz družbe), pa resocializacija in v določeni meri še povračilni ukrep. ta zadnji se mogoče komu zdi brutalen in nečloveški, za svojce žrtve pa verjetno predstavlja določeno zadoščenje. vseeno pa mora stvar ostati v mejah normale, zato pa kaznovanje storilca ni v rokah žrtvine družine (kot je bilo recimo včasih).
ja, ampak to je namen vseh kazni, ne samo smrtne. in človeka težko resocializiraš če ga ubiješ.
Blue-eyed boy meets a brown-eyed girl.
Jochie - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 7080
- Na forumu od: 17. 9. 2005
o smrtni kazni nimam mnenja, me pa bolj skrbi sodna praksa...
sicer sem laik na pravnem področju, sem pa večkrat v medijih dobil informacijo, da je npr. sodišče nekoga obsodilo, pa je drugostopenjsko sodišče sodbo razveljavilo itd, itd...
te stvari so zelo sumljive, ko ti en človek dokaže, da si kriv, drug človek pa ravno obratno...kaj je potem resnica???
potem pa še naslednja zadeva: morilec nekoga umori, torej stori kaznivo dejanje, in nekdo se odloči, da ga bodo zato legalno umorili! malo mi je smešno tole vse skupaj...še posebej, če bi potem drugo sodišče odločilo, da človek ni kriv...po možnosti tedaj, ko bi bil legalno umorjen...
mi lahko nekdo od (bodočih) pravnikov razloži, kako lahko eno sodišče obsodi, drugo pa oprosti za isto dejanje?
sicer sem laik na pravnem področju, sem pa večkrat v medijih dobil informacijo, da je npr. sodišče nekoga obsodilo, pa je drugostopenjsko sodišče sodbo razveljavilo itd, itd...
te stvari so zelo sumljive, ko ti en človek dokaže, da si kriv, drug človek pa ravno obratno...kaj je potem resnica???
potem pa še naslednja zadeva: morilec nekoga umori, torej stori kaznivo dejanje, in nekdo se odloči, da ga bodo zato legalno umorili! malo mi je smešno tole vse skupaj...še posebej, če bi potem drugo sodišče odločilo, da človek ni kriv...po možnosti tedaj, ko bi bil legalno umorjen...
mi lahko nekdo od (bodočih) pravnikov razloži, kako lahko eno sodišče obsodi, drugo pa oprosti za isto dejanje?
jullia_ - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5285
- Na forumu od: 29. 6. 2007
zaradi proste presoje dokazov.
včasih je bila stvar dosti bolj preprosta. (govorim o inkvizitornih časih) tožilec je našel 2 priči, ki sta pričali proti obtožencu in je bil kriv, sploh ni bilo debate. danes pa obe strani v postopku navajata svoje dokaze in argumente, sodnikova naloga pa je, da se opredeli do njih.
sicer pa stvar ni tako dramatična, kot jo ti opisuješ, ker vrhovno sodišče skrbi za enotno sodno prakso. oni so jo potem itak dolžni upoštevat, nižja sodišča ji pa ponavadi tudi sledijo, malo iz spoštovanja avtoritete, malo pa zato, ker bi bile njihove drugačne odločitve kasneje verjetno spremenjene.
včasih je bila stvar dosti bolj preprosta. (govorim o inkvizitornih časih) tožilec je našel 2 priči, ki sta pričali proti obtožencu in je bil kriv, sploh ni bilo debate. danes pa obe strani v postopku navajata svoje dokaze in argumente, sodnikova naloga pa je, da se opredeli do njih.
sicer pa stvar ni tako dramatična, kot jo ti opisuješ, ker vrhovno sodišče skrbi za enotno sodno prakso. oni so jo potem itak dolžni upoštevat, nižja sodišča ji pa ponavadi tudi sledijo, malo iz spoštovanja avtoritete, malo pa zato, ker bi bile njihove drugačne odločitve kasneje verjetno spremenjene.
- mariah
- Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 289
- Na forumu od: 3. 2. 2007
- Kraj: za ovinkom
Smrtno kazen ne smatram kot "pravo" kazen. Kaj pa dosežeš, če morilca ubiješ? Res je, da če je manj zapornikov je tudi manj stroškov in da iz družbe "iztrebiš" škodljivce, ampak ne zdi se mi pravi način. Take hude kriminalce bi blo treba obsodit na doživljensko in poslat delat v rudnik. Pa naj se mučijo, naj jih vse to pripelje do tega, da se bojo hotli obesit
Smrt je njihova odrešitev, ne pa kazen.
![evil :evil:](
ela85 - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1321
- Na forumu od: 25. 8. 2006
- Kraj: na lepem
mariah napisal/-a:Smrtno kazen ne smatram kot "pravo" kazen. Kaj pa dosežeš, če morilca ubiješ? Res je, da če je manj zapornikov je tudi manj stroškov in da iz družbe "iztrebiš" škodljivce, ampak ne zdi se mi pravi način. Take hude kriminalce bi blo treba obsodit na doživljensko in poslat delat v rudnik. Pa naj se mučijo, naj jih vse to pripelje do tega, da se bojo hotli obesitSmrt je njihova odrešitev, ne pa kazen.
se popolnoma strinjam. že od nekdaj trdim enako. to sploh ni kazen za njih, ampak odrešitev. mučenja bo konec, medtem ko si ravno to zaslužijo. kar so storili drugim, naj doživijo tudi oni (pa ne smrt)...
se pa tudi strinjam, da je smrtna kazen opozorilo drugim... ja, do neke mere že, ampak vprašanje koliko o tem razmišlja morilec, preden stori kazen.
- kitty_porn
- Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 186
- Na forumu od: 7. 11. 2006
hmm-prevzgoja al kaj..
ja itak, kako pa lahko prevzgojiš pedofila ali pa serijskega morilca, posiljevalca??
kako lahko veš, da tak človek dejansko tega ne bo več počel, na čigav raču bo potekala prevzoga.davkoplačevalcii
ja itak, kako pa lahko prevzgojiš pedofila ali pa serijskega morilca, posiljevalca??
![eek :eek:](
kako lahko veš, da tak človek dejansko tega ne bo več počel, na čigav raču bo potekala prevzoga.davkoplačevalcii
BeXy - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 134
- Na forumu od: 28. 3. 2008
- Kraj: Over the Niji
kitty_porn napisal/-a:hmm-prevzgoja al kaj..
ja itak, kako pa lahko prevzgojiš pedofila ali pa serijskega morilca, posiljevalca??![]()
kako lahko veš, da tak človek dejansko tega ne bo več počel, na čigav raču bo potekala prevzoga.davkoplačevalcii
moderna družba je dons resničn pokvarjena-in spremeni jo sam keš!
v vseh ustavah piše, da je človešk lajf na prvem mestu in ga je treba spoštovat in skrbet da ga noben ne ogroža!ampak-bolš da en umre pa je mir kukr d jih 100 umre pa krivca skos branmo-sj je logičn!
![roll :roll:](
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Nisem za smrtno kazen. Sm za strožje zapore in uvedbo mučilnic(eye for an eye recimo) za primere, ki so 100 procentno dokazani ali pa je storilec priznal. In me prov bk, kok izmed vas mi bo zdj reklo " ja potem si ista kot on bla bla". Nikakor nism ista, kr si vsak zasluž milo za žajfo.
It was forever..but it didnt last long..
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Zelo močnega mnjenja nimam, ampak raje vidim doživljenski zapor za tako močno dejanje in ne zato, ker bi bila proti odvzemu življenja morilca ampak ker bi v zaporu blj trpel pa še po možnosti kot tarča svojih sozapornikov.
Mi je pa zanimivo da je vrhovno sodišče v ameriki prejšnji teden objavilo svoje mnenje o smrtonosni inekciji (dokler so 6 mesecev o tem razpravljali, nobena zvezna država ni smela nobenega obsojenega na smrt ubit). Problem je bil v tem, ko se je en zapornik pritožil in skliceval na eno raziskovalno nalogo, ki je dala rezultate da lahko nepravilna uporaba inekcije povzroči bolečino (kar pa konstitucija prepoveduje) ker se lahko zgodi, da dajo premalo anestetika in potem zapornika boli (zaradi mišičnega relaksanta pa se ne more premikat). V glavnem, se je na konc sodišče odločilo da se bodo inekcije useeno uporabljale, ker niso našli še nobene alternative.
Glih sem pisala esej o tem, tako da če koga še zanima bolj podrobno o tem, sem ga prepisala sem:
The Supreme Court recently reviewed an appeal for lethal injection from Kentucky. Death-row inmates, Ralph Baze and Thomas C. Bowling brought the case to the Supreme Court with argument that the lethal injection, which consists of three drug cocktails, is unconstitutional because it includes unnecessary force that is forbidden by the Eight Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment). A research showed that a little less than the half of tested death-row prisoners were not given an enough amount of anesthetics, they had to experience a severe pain, but because of muscle relaxant they could not move or indicate pain in any other way. The staff is not medically knowledgeable enough as the doctors refuse to help in such project due to their oath.
The Supreme Court ruled on 7-2 margin with Justice Roberts writing a lead opinion that was joined by Justices Kennedy and Alito, rejecting the basis of an appeal. Just because there could be an alternative, it does not mean that the lethal injection is unconstitutional. On the contrary, it is constitutional, because it does not deliver harm deliberately. Because the capital punishment itself is constitutional, there must be a way to deliver it. There will always be a risk of pain in delivering death penalty, but it is due to error in following the procedure. Justices Steven and White oppose the capital punishment itself, because it is “the pointless and needless extinction of life with only marginal contributions to society”.
The first injection, consisting of the barbiturate sodium thiopental is intended to swiftly put the prisoner into a comatose state of unconsciousness. Second one contains a paralyzing agent pancuronium bromide, which renders the prisoner completely immobile and causes suffocation. The third and fatal injection of potassium chloride, which induces a massive heart attack, also includes a severe burning sensation in veins. The three-drug lethal injection was long ago abolished by the American Veterinary Association in the euthanizing the animals. The argument here goes to the Court, if the same injection is too cruel for animals how it is possible that is human enough for prisoners. Justice Roberts gives an answer: “Whatever rhetorical force the argument carries /…/ it overlooks the States’ legitimate interest in providing for a quick, certain death.”
Important opinions, concurrences and dissents from this case:
Opinion by Roberts, joined by Kennedy and Alito: "Petitioners have not carried their burden of showing that the risk of pain from maladministration of a concededly humane lethal injection protocol, and the failure to adopt untried and untested alternatives, constitute cruel and unusual punishment."
Concurrance by Thomas, joined by Scalia: "a method of execution violates the Eighth Amendment if it poses a substantial risk of severe pain that could be significantly reduced by adopting readily available alternative procedures" could "embroil the states in never-ending litigation concerning the adequacy of their execution procedures."
Dissent by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, joined by Justice David H. Souter: I would . . . remand with instructions to consider whether the failure to include readily available safeguards to confirm that the inmate is unconscious after injection of sodium thiopental, in
combination with the other elements of Kentucky's protocol, creates an untoward, readily avoidable risk of inflicting severe and unnecessary pain."
Concurrence with the judgment from Breyer: ''In respect to how a court should review such a claim, I agree with Justice Ginsburg. At the same time, . . . I cannot find, either in the record in this case or in the literature on the subject, sufficient evidence that Kentucky's execution method poses the 'significant and unnecessary risk of inflicting severe pain' that petitioners assert.''
I do not have strong views of capital punishment, but I do have good arguments for and against it. Not just the Constitution, but also many human rights conventions state that a right to life is inborn and therefore no one, not another human being nor a society or state has a right to take someone's life, regardless of the crime he or she committed. History taught us that eye for an eye does not pay off, because it can never end and it can only lead to vicious circle.
The justice can be served in prison. It is not documented, but it is widely known what is happening there. If a child rapist goes in jail for a life sentence it is most likely he will become the main target of his inmates for brutal torture. As it goes for the strength of crime he committed, the prison for life could bring more justice than the easy way out with death.
Another argument goes for innocent people. The truth is that not only guilty people are sent to prison. The technology is still not perfect, but it is only unimaginable how many innocent men and women were sent to death penalty before the widespread DNA test. It is completely against any law, constitution and sane mind to kill a person that did not commit the crime.
Any mother, father, brother, sister, friend or lover knows how unthinkably painful a loss can be. It is much worse when it involves a murder. With all the grief they are experiencing, the need for taking case in their own hands can grow. Therefore, in order not to create a chaotic mess, the system and the state should have appropriate measures to give an appropriate punishment for committed crime, even if it allows executing the criminal in such strong crime.
As far as it goes for execution of death penalty, it is completely irrelevant if they are shot, electrocuted or injected with fatal drug cocktail. I deeply doubt that anyone could really be bothered if they feel pain for a couple of seconds or minutes, because it can not be even compared to the pain their victims and victims’ families felt.
Mi je pa zanimivo da je vrhovno sodišče v ameriki prejšnji teden objavilo svoje mnenje o smrtonosni inekciji (dokler so 6 mesecev o tem razpravljali, nobena zvezna država ni smela nobenega obsojenega na smrt ubit). Problem je bil v tem, ko se je en zapornik pritožil in skliceval na eno raziskovalno nalogo, ki je dala rezultate da lahko nepravilna uporaba inekcije povzroči bolečino (kar pa konstitucija prepoveduje) ker se lahko zgodi, da dajo premalo anestetika in potem zapornika boli (zaradi mišičnega relaksanta pa se ne more premikat). V glavnem, se je na konc sodišče odločilo da se bodo inekcije useeno uporabljale, ker niso našli še nobene alternative.
Glih sem pisala esej o tem, tako da če koga še zanima bolj podrobno o tem, sem ga prepisala sem:
The Supreme Court recently reviewed an appeal for lethal injection from Kentucky. Death-row inmates, Ralph Baze and Thomas C. Bowling brought the case to the Supreme Court with argument that the lethal injection, which consists of three drug cocktails, is unconstitutional because it includes unnecessary force that is forbidden by the Eight Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment). A research showed that a little less than the half of tested death-row prisoners were not given an enough amount of anesthetics, they had to experience a severe pain, but because of muscle relaxant they could not move or indicate pain in any other way. The staff is not medically knowledgeable enough as the doctors refuse to help in such project due to their oath.
The Supreme Court ruled on 7-2 margin with Justice Roberts writing a lead opinion that was joined by Justices Kennedy and Alito, rejecting the basis of an appeal. Just because there could be an alternative, it does not mean that the lethal injection is unconstitutional. On the contrary, it is constitutional, because it does not deliver harm deliberately. Because the capital punishment itself is constitutional, there must be a way to deliver it. There will always be a risk of pain in delivering death penalty, but it is due to error in following the procedure. Justices Steven and White oppose the capital punishment itself, because it is “the pointless and needless extinction of life with only marginal contributions to society”.
The first injection, consisting of the barbiturate sodium thiopental is intended to swiftly put the prisoner into a comatose state of unconsciousness. Second one contains a paralyzing agent pancuronium bromide, which renders the prisoner completely immobile and causes suffocation. The third and fatal injection of potassium chloride, which induces a massive heart attack, also includes a severe burning sensation in veins. The three-drug lethal injection was long ago abolished by the American Veterinary Association in the euthanizing the animals. The argument here goes to the Court, if the same injection is too cruel for animals how it is possible that is human enough for prisoners. Justice Roberts gives an answer: “Whatever rhetorical force the argument carries /…/ it overlooks the States’ legitimate interest in providing for a quick, certain death.”
Important opinions, concurrences and dissents from this case:
Opinion by Roberts, joined by Kennedy and Alito: "Petitioners have not carried their burden of showing that the risk of pain from maladministration of a concededly humane lethal injection protocol, and the failure to adopt untried and untested alternatives, constitute cruel and unusual punishment."
Concurrance by Thomas, joined by Scalia: "a method of execution violates the Eighth Amendment if it poses a substantial risk of severe pain that could be significantly reduced by adopting readily available alternative procedures" could "embroil the states in never-ending litigation concerning the adequacy of their execution procedures."
Dissent by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, joined by Justice David H. Souter: I would . . . remand with instructions to consider whether the failure to include readily available safeguards to confirm that the inmate is unconscious after injection of sodium thiopental, in
combination with the other elements of Kentucky's protocol, creates an untoward, readily avoidable risk of inflicting severe and unnecessary pain."
Concurrence with the judgment from Breyer: ''In respect to how a court should review such a claim, I agree with Justice Ginsburg. At the same time, . . . I cannot find, either in the record in this case or in the literature on the subject, sufficient evidence that Kentucky's execution method poses the 'significant and unnecessary risk of inflicting severe pain' that petitioners assert.''
I do not have strong views of capital punishment, but I do have good arguments for and against it. Not just the Constitution, but also many human rights conventions state that a right to life is inborn and therefore no one, not another human being nor a society or state has a right to take someone's life, regardless of the crime he or she committed. History taught us that eye for an eye does not pay off, because it can never end and it can only lead to vicious circle.
The justice can be served in prison. It is not documented, but it is widely known what is happening there. If a child rapist goes in jail for a life sentence it is most likely he will become the main target of his inmates for brutal torture. As it goes for the strength of crime he committed, the prison for life could bring more justice than the easy way out with death.
Another argument goes for innocent people. The truth is that not only guilty people are sent to prison. The technology is still not perfect, but it is only unimaginable how many innocent men and women were sent to death penalty before the widespread DNA test. It is completely against any law, constitution and sane mind to kill a person that did not commit the crime.
Any mother, father, brother, sister, friend or lover knows how unthinkably painful a loss can be. It is much worse when it involves a murder. With all the grief they are experiencing, the need for taking case in their own hands can grow. Therefore, in order not to create a chaotic mess, the system and the state should have appropriate measures to give an appropriate punishment for committed crime, even if it allows executing the criminal in such strong crime.
As far as it goes for execution of death penalty, it is completely irrelevant if they are shot, electrocuted or injected with fatal drug cocktail. I deeply doubt that anyone could really be bothered if they feel pain for a couple of seconds or minutes, because it can not be even compared to the pain their victims and victims’ families felt.
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
punkie_ - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1198
- Na forumu od: 17. 4. 2006
- Kraj: ljubljana
ah tale oko za oko, zob za zob varianta je skrajno primitivna, ker se s tem uradni organi spustijo na raven enga podlega zločinca in s tem niso nič boljši. in tudi v družbo ne prinese to nobenega pozitivnega sporočila.. podpiram smrtno kazen v primerih plut, trobec... torej ko gre za nekoga ki dejanja ponavlja in ni več psihično stabilen in se lahko smatra, da bo dejanja ponavljal in naprej ubijal. to da ga zaprejo pač ni zadosti, ker zgleda da se iz zapora da zbežat že s preprosto jedilno žlico
meni se zdi veliko bolj krut doživljenjski zapor, ker s tem človek izgubi vsakršno motivacijo in upanje, vzpeta mu je možnost kesanja za svoja dejanja. in tak človek se bo slej ko prej fental.
![Confused :?](
meni se zdi veliko bolj krut doživljenjski zapor, ker s tem človek izgubi vsakršno motivacijo in upanje, vzpeta mu je možnost kesanja za svoja dejanja. in tak človek se bo slej ko prej fental.
MilkyWay - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 2708
- Na forumu od: 1. 3. 2007
- Kraj: ...en tu corazón..
smrtna kazen?? ne ni šans...prvo kot prvo, ker se lahko sodniki zmotijo (ker zmotiti se je je človeško) in bi potem po pomoti ubili nedolžnega človeka (je blo u ameriki že kar nekaj takih človekov)...
nisem za smrtno kazen, ker menim, da tako samo pomagamo zaporniku, da ne preživi pekla u zaporu...preprosto ga ubijejo in tip je prikrajšan za vsa trpljenja, ki bi mu jih lahko delali zaporniki...zločinec mora it u zapor, da se začne zavedati, kaj je storil čeprav se nekateri ne zavedajo tega
raje sem za doživljenski zapor, ker se mi zdi boljša kazen...mislim, da te doživljenski res uniči do kraja in to menim, da je najhujša kazen za kšnega psihičnega morilca!
nisem za smrtno kazen, ker menim, da tako samo pomagamo zaporniku, da ne preživi pekla u zaporu...preprosto ga ubijejo in tip je prikrajšan za vsa trpljenja, ki bi mu jih lahko delali zaporniki...zločinec mora it u zapor, da se začne zavedati, kaj je storil čeprav se nekateri ne zavedajo tega
![Confused :?](
raje sem za doživljenski zapor, ker se mi zdi boljša kazen...mislim, da te doživljenski res uniči do kraja in to menim, da je najhujša kazen za kšnega psihičnega morilca!
- biba33
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 1
- Na forumu od: 5. 5. 2008
prav ne morem verjet kaksne klamfe tu serjete. se je kdo izmed vas, ki tako strastno zagovarjate smrtno kazen, sploh vprasal, kaksna je funkcija zapora? ocitno ne. ostali ste se v robespierrovih casih, ocitno. kaznovanje posameznika, ki stori KD temelji na tem, da se nezeleno oz. nesprejemljivo vedenje ODPRAVI, ne pa na tem, da se ga zgolj kaznuje. pravite, da ste za smrtno kazen in obsojate morilce, pa se sprasujem- kaksna pa je pravzaprav razlika med nekom, ki je v afektu ubil socloveka in med vami, ki preudarno in zavesto pri "polni pameti" (ce sploh lahko recem to) obsojate nekoga na smrt? Je razlika- vi ste se bolj nehumani in zverinski. isto kot ce nekdo stori umor naklepno ali ne. zagovarjate smrtno kazen- kaj pa v primeru ce bi na smrt obsodili vasega bliznjega? bi se vedno trdili da je treba nesnago odstranit iz okolja, da je pravici treba zadostiti, oko za oko ipd? taksne trditve niso kar tako, malo razmislite preden se kam opredelite. in ja, tudi vas bliznji, oce, mati, brat, kdorkoli lahko ladarkoli stori kaj takega, vsi smo ljudje, vsi delamo napake. ne imejte se za boljse ljudi od morilcev, pedofilov ipd., ce sami zagovarjate smrt. ali krades ali drzis vreco, isto sranje. aja in obstajajo pametnejse in bolj humane resitve, lahko bi se zgledovali npr. po skandinavcih.
Kdo je na strani
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