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Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 11. Feb. 2010 10:54

Tema, ki jo imamo je samo za geje in lezbijke po sloveniji. Ta tema naj bi bila namenjena na svetovni ravni. Tole sem zjutraj dobila po mejlu, tako da bi vas prosila za podpis (Na kratko: V Ugandi želijo sprejeti zakon, ki bi omogočil tudi smrtno kazen za istospolno usmerjene):

Stop Uganda's gay death law

I've just signed a petition calling on the Ugandan government to withdraw a proposed anti-gay law that would punish gay people with prison -- or even death. We only have days left and we need 1 million people to sign. Read more below, and sign the petition here: ... K_TF_TRACK



Dear friends,

Uganda’s parliament is preparing to pass a brutal new law that would punish gay people with prison -- even death.

Initial international criticism drove the President to call for a review. But after a well-funded and vicious lobbying effort by extremists, the bill could still pass -- threatening persecution and bloodshed.

Opposition to the bill is rising, including from the Anglican church. Ugandan gay rights advocate Frank writes, “This law will put us in serious danger. Please, sign the petition and tell others to stand with us – if there’s a huge global response, our government will see that Uganda will be internationally isolated by the proposed law, and strike it down.”

With the decision expected in days, only an irresistible wave of worldwide pressure will be enough to save Frank's life and many others. Let’s raise 1 million signatures to stop the gay death law -- click here to take action, then forward this email: ... K_TF_TRACK

The petition will be delivered to President Museveni, members of the review committee and Ugandan embassies worldwide this week before it’s too late, as well as to key donor governments.

The bill proposes life imprisonment for anyone convicted of having same-sex relations and imposes the death penalty for “serial offenders”. NGOs working to prevent the spread of HIV could be imprisoned for up to 7 years for “promoting homosexuality”. Even members of the public face up to three years in jail if they fail to report homosexual activity to the police within 24 hours!

The bill’s advocates claim that it defends national culture, but its strongest critics come from within Uganda. The Reverend Canon Gideon Byamugisha is one of many who’s written to us – he says,

"It is violating our cultures, traditions and religious values that teach against intolerance, injustice, hatred and violence. We need laws to protect people -- not ones that will humiliate, ridicule, persecute and kill them en masse."

By rejecting this dangerous bill and supporting the breadth of opposition to it, we can help set a crucial precedent. Let’s raise 1 million signatures for Uganda’s human rights defenders, and save lives by stopping this bill -- sign now here, then tell friends and family: ... K_TF_TRACK

With hope and determination,

Alice, Ricken, Ben, Paul, Benjamin, Pascal, Raluca, Graziela and the whole Avaaz team

Tema se pa lahko nadaljuje tudi s splošno debato o LGBT po svetu. Malo za res, malo za hec - tole sm najdla na youtubu (prop 8 je predlog v Kaliforniji, ki prepoveduje poroko med istospolno usmerjenimi):
Zadnjič spremenil Tammy_De, dne 25. Nov. 2010 1:13, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
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Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 7639
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a purple_rain » 11. Feb. 2010 12:30

O štala, kaj se pa grejo! :eek:
Že samo, če ne "zatožiš" homoseksualcev, te lahko doleti kazen?! Dej dej, kakšen svet..groza. :nein:

Valda podpisala..
Uporabniški avatar
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Mellyora » 12. Feb. 2010 0:48

wtf, :eek: :eek: to pa šele zdej prvič slišala... jao..
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose..J.Joplin
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 05. Okt. 2010 23:08

Tole je tut za zjokat... V zadnjem tednu v ZDA 5 samomorov mladih, zaradi nadlegovanja sovrstnikov zaradi spolne orientacije:

LKL - Celebrities Speak Out On Gay Bullying
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Prispevkov: 10
Na forumu od: 25. 10. 2010
Kraj: Murska Sobota

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a sissy84 » 25. Okt. 2010 19:39

katastrofa :eek:
...what doesn´t kill you makes you stronger...
Prispevkov: 4942
Na forumu od: 22. 2. 2007

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a floribunda » 05. Nov. 2010 12:41

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Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 16. Nov. 2010 1:35

Ta svet je neumn...

A 27-year-old Saudi Arabian man is reported to have been sentenced to 500 lashes and five years’ imprisonment by a court in Jeddah for the criminal offence of homosexuality, among other charges. He was already serving one year’s imprisonment after being convicted earlier this year on a separate charge of homosexuality, among other offences.
The man, whose name is unknown, was reported in the press to have been sentenced in recent days by a court in Jeddah to five years in prison, 500 lashes and a fine of 50,000 Saudi Arabian riyals (approximately US$13,000) for the criminal offence of homosexuality, as well as offences of imitating women and possessing pornographic videos.
He was reported to have been sentenced after allegedly appearing in a video that was posted online and showed him dressed as a woman and talking about sex. The video was purportedly taken inside Briman prison in Jeddah, where he was serving his previous sentence of a year’s imprisonment, but the prison administration was reported to have denied that the short clip was filmed there.
The previous sentence of one year’s imprisonment was handed down in March 2010 for the criminal offence of homosexuality, impersonating a police officer and committing a “general security” offence. He was sentenced to 1,000 lashes and a fine of 5,000 Saudi Arabian riyals (approx US$1,000). He had been arrested by the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (also known as the Mutawa’een or religious police) in January for allegedly appearing in a video dressed in a police uniform and flirting with the man filming him.
He was also reported to have been tried on the charge of homosexuality on another occasion in previous years, when he was sentenced to counselling and memorizing a chapter of the Qur’an.
It is not known whether the sentences of lashes passed in March and November 2010 have been carried out.
Zadnjič spremenil Tammy_De, dne 25. Nov. 2010 1:15, skupaj popravljeno 2 krat.
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 25. Nov. 2010 0:57

Še moj najljubši "It gets better" - en je naredu pesem:

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 19. Dec. 2010 10:49

Pa za spremembo še dobra novica: DADT (Don't ask, don't tell) je umaknjen.
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 23. Feb. 2011 15:51

Zanimiv dokumentarec o stanju v Ugandi (DJ Scott Mills iz Londona odpotoval v Ugando, da vidi kakšna je situacija za LGBT ljudi v tamkajšnji družbi - prikazano na BBC-ju)
Part 1/4
Part 2/4
Part 3/4
Part 4/4

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
sirova štručka
Prispevkov: 5990
Na forumu od: 9. 12. 2009

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a sirova štručka » 23. Feb. 2011 18:37

Zadnjič spremenil sirova štručka, dne 05. Dec. 2016 17:36, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 17. Maj. 2011 19:59

Ker je danes mednarodni dan boja proti homofobiji in transfobiji, en lep video:

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 2542
Na forumu od: 25. 4. 2008
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Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a _patchouli_ » 05. Jun. 2011 19:36

Je šla katera kaj pogledat na kak dogodek ob tednu parade ponosa? jaz sem mislila it v soboto, ampak sem žal cel dan delala.
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1644
Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
Kraj: Ljubljana

Neprebrana objavaNapisal/-a Tammy_De » 05. Jun. 2011 21:10

Jaz sem šla na par, s purple_rain sva pa bile včer na paradi in spet v dnevniku pristale :D
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert

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