besedila najljubših pesmi
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
lolitaa - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1622
- Na forumu od: 5. 6. 2007
Pussycat dolls-Played
Why you talking all that talk
Who you trying to impress
Think you better check your style
That might have worked before
but I ain't having it
Show me that you got the touch
Hear the words that I don't say
Gotta read between the lines
You gotta learn this song
Cause I wanna be played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gotta find the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played like a violin
Make the strings talk with your finger tips
Never go to fast
Gotta understand
The way I need too be played
It's not about the way you roll
Your making it too obvious
Try to be original
You gotta learn me
Don't be in such a rush
I can be your symphony
Listen to me all night long
If you give me what I need
I could be your favorite song
I wanna be played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gotta find the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played like a violin
Make the strings talk with your finger tips
Never go to fast
Gotta understand
The way I need too be played
You make it just like that
Come on do it again
We're going to get this right
Even if it takes all night
Do you feel me?
That's right
Take it nice and slow
I wanna be played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gotta find the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played like a violin
Make the strings talk with your finger tips
Never go to fast
Gotta understand
The way I need too be played
Played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gottafind the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played
Like a violin
Make the string talk with your finger tips...

Why you talking all that talk
Who you trying to impress
Think you better check your style
That might have worked before
but I ain't having it
Show me that you got the touch
Hear the words that I don't say
Gotta read between the lines
You gotta learn this song
Cause I wanna be played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gotta find the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played like a violin
Make the strings talk with your finger tips
Never go to fast
Gotta understand
The way I need too be played
It's not about the way you roll
Your making it too obvious
Try to be original
You gotta learn me
Don't be in such a rush
I can be your symphony
Listen to me all night long
If you give me what I need
I could be your favorite song
I wanna be played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gotta find the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played like a violin
Make the strings talk with your finger tips
Never go to fast
Gotta understand
The way I need too be played
You make it just like that
Come on do it again
We're going to get this right
Even if it takes all night
Do you feel me?
That's right
Take it nice and slow
I wanna be played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gotta find the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played like a violin
Make the strings talk with your finger tips
Never go to fast
Gotta understand
The way I need too be played
Played like a sweet guitar
Played like a slow jam in the dark
Gottafind the groove
You know what to do to get to me
I wanna be played
Like a violin
Make the string talk with your finger tips...
I wanna wake up in a city, that doesn't sleep.
Sessa - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1171
- Na forumu od: 20. 4. 2007
- Kraj: Maribor
I've been running through this town,
I've been combing every street.
I've been searching for the reason within reasons,
Been searching for the higher ground in me.
And I've been trying to surrender,
To trust in every word.
All my days of misery,
Someone could have taken them from me.
I've been searching for myself,
For oh so many times.
I've been searching for the answer within answers,
But no one seems to know what's on my mind.
Craving for her love,
Aching for her touch,
All my days of misery, someone could have taken them from me.
So tell me where you are,
Tell me how you feel.
Tell me what you need,
Just tell me how you feel.
And let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me....
Rain down on me.
If only for a day,
Oh if only for one night,
I could tell you this is everything that i have ever lived for,
But I'd be giving it all away.
So look into these eyes,
And tell me how you feel.
All my days of misery, someone could have taken them from me.
So tell me where you are,
Tell me how you feel.
Tell me what you need,
Just tell me how you feel.
And let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me...
Rain down on me.
I've been combing every street.
I've been searching for the reason within reasons,
Been searching for the higher ground in me.
And I've been trying to surrender,
To trust in every word.
All my days of misery,
Someone could have taken them from me.
I've been searching for myself,
For oh so many times.
I've been searching for the answer within answers,
But no one seems to know what's on my mind.
Craving for her love,
Aching for her touch,
All my days of misery, someone could have taken them from me.
So tell me where you are,
Tell me how you feel.
Tell me what you need,
Just tell me how you feel.
And let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me....
Rain down on me.
If only for a day,
Oh if only for one night,
I could tell you this is everything that i have ever lived for,
But I'd be giving it all away.
So look into these eyes,
And tell me how you feel.
All my days of misery, someone could have taken them from me.
So tell me where you are,
Tell me how you feel.
Tell me what you need,
Just tell me how you feel.
And let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me...
Rain down on me.
- Bella*Honey
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 42
- Na forumu od: 28. 6. 2008
Every night I rush to my bed
with hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you
when i close my eyes
i’m goin outta my headlost in a fairytale
can you hold my hands and be my guide
clouds filled with stars cover your skies
and i hope it rains
you’re the perfect lullaby
what kinda dream am is this
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
my guilty pleasure i ain't goin no where
baby long as you're here
i’ll be floating on air cause you're my
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
i mention you when i say my prayers
i wrap you around around all of my thoughts
boy you my temporary high
i wish that when i wake up you’re there
so wrap your arms around me for real
and tell me you’ll stay by side
clouds filled with stars cover your skies
and i hope it rains
you’re the perfect lullaby
what kinda dream am is this
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
my guilty pleasure i ain't goin no where
baby long as you're here
i’ll be floating on air cause you're my
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
tattoo your name across my heart
so it will remain
not even death can make us part
what kind of dream is this?!
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
my guilty pleasure i ain't goin no where
baby long as you're here
i’ll be floating on air cause you're my
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
Every night I rush to my bed
with hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you
when i close my eyes
i’m goin outta my headlost in a fairytale
can you hold my hands and be my guide
clouds filled with stars cover your skies
and i hope it rains
you’re the perfect lullaby
what kinda dream am is this
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
my guilty pleasure i ain't goin no where
baby long as you're here
i’ll be floating on air cause you're my
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
i mention you when i say my prayers
i wrap you around around all of my thoughts
boy you my temporary high
i wish that when i wake up you’re there
so wrap your arms around me for real
and tell me you’ll stay by side
clouds filled with stars cover your skies
and i hope it rains
you’re the perfect lullaby
what kinda dream am is this
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
my guilty pleasure i ain't goin no where
baby long as you're here
i’ll be floating on air cause you're my
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
tattoo your name across my heart
so it will remain
not even death can make us part
what kind of dream is this?!
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
my guilty pleasure i ain't goin no where
baby long as you're here
i’ll be floating on air cause you're my
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i, don't wanna wake up from you
punček - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 27
- Na forumu od: 18. 9. 2008
Vesna Pisarović - Da znaš
Danima već se nismo vidjeli
a tvoje prijatelje ne pitam
ne želim priznati da ne znam
što se s nama to zbilo za tren
Svake se noći tiho pomolim
sa željom da te sutra ugledam
i sve bih dala da si sa mnom
da te dotaknem samo na tren
Da znaš, da znaš kako pogled me tvoj još boli
da znaš kako srce te moje voli
da znaš kako tužna sam bez tebe
da znaš uvijek bio bi kraj mene
Da znaš, kol'ko suza sam isplakala
da znaš i da nisam se pokajala
da znaš kako tužna sam bez tebe
da znaš uvijek bio bi tu u mome sjećanju
Počinje sve od ovog proljeća
i ova tuga koju osjećam
slomit će srce na pola za tren
U mom životu barem kratko dušo bio si sve
i kako vrijeme ide vidim da mi ne ide
jer kud god krenem , kud god pođem samo za tebe znam
priznajem od tog dana sebi ja ne pripadam
Kao u nekom filmu cijeli moj se srušio svijet
i čekam da se nešto desi čekam preokret
jer kud god krenem, kud god pođem samo za tebe znam
ne želim biti sama želim samo tebi ja da pripadam
k'o što se pripada po prvi put
reci da nije bilo uzalud
da tvoja ljubav još traje bar tren
Danima već se nismo vidjeli
a tvoje prijatelje ne pitam
ne želim priznati da ne znam
što se s nama to zbilo za tren
Svake se noći tiho pomolim
sa željom da te sutra ugledam
i sve bih dala da si sa mnom
da te dotaknem samo na tren
Da znaš, da znaš kako pogled me tvoj još boli
da znaš kako srce te moje voli
da znaš kako tužna sam bez tebe
da znaš uvijek bio bi kraj mene
Da znaš, kol'ko suza sam isplakala
da znaš i da nisam se pokajala
da znaš kako tužna sam bez tebe
da znaš uvijek bio bi tu u mome sjećanju
Počinje sve od ovog proljeća
i ova tuga koju osjećam
slomit će srce na pola za tren
U mom životu barem kratko dušo bio si sve
i kako vrijeme ide vidim da mi ne ide
jer kud god krenem , kud god pođem samo za tebe znam
priznajem od tog dana sebi ja ne pripadam
Kao u nekom filmu cijeli moj se srušio svijet
i čekam da se nešto desi čekam preokret
jer kud god krenem, kud god pođem samo za tebe znam
ne želim biti sama želim samo tebi ja da pripadam
k'o što se pripada po prvi put
reci da nije bilo uzalud
da tvoja ljubav još traje bar tren
- *FaLLeN*AnGeL*
- Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 263
- Na forumu od: 8. 5. 2006
Alejandro Fernandez - No se me hace facil
Tal vez no quieras que esta melodía
Te susurre el alma y te lleve al recuerdo
Tal vez auque no estemos juntos
Sentirás el aire que viene por ti
Quizás no quieras que la cobardía
De tu corazón no cure mi silencio
Tal vez nunca te has detenido
A reemplazar tu orgullo por mi amanecer
Tal vez soy yo el que se equivoca
Cuando pienso que has cambiado
Y me provocan mis ganas de verte, mi melancolía
No me han avisado que esto se termina
No se me hace fácil olvidar
Déjame besarte una vez más
Regresar de noche convertido en sueño
No es tan fácil, desprenderme de tu corazón
No es tan simple desafiarte amor
Y tenerte atada a algún motivo
Ser la sombra en tu camino
Tal vez no quieras que esta melodía
Te susurre el alma y te lleve al recuerdo
Tal vez podrás cambiar mi piel
Por otra que no tiene nada que decir
Tal vez soy yo el que se equivoca
Cuando pienso que has cambiado
Y me provocan mis ganas de verte, mi melancolía
No me han avisado que esto se termina
No se me hace fácil olvidar
Déjame besarte una vez más
Regresar de noche convertido en sueño
No es tan fácil, desprenderme de tu corazón
No es tan simple desafiarte amor
Y tenerte atada a algún motivo
Ser la sombra
No se me hace fácil olvidar
Déjame besarte una vez más
Regresar de noche convertido en sueño
No es tan fácil, desprenderme de tu corazón
No es tan simple desafiarte amor
Y tenerte atada a algún motivo
Ser la sombra
Tal vez no quieras que esta melodía
Te susurre el alma y te lleve al recuerdo
Tal vez auque no estemos juntos
Sentirás el aire
Pussycat dolls - I hate this part
We're driving slow through the snow
On fifth avenue
And right now radio is
All that we can hear
Man we ain't talked since we left
It's so overdue
It's cold outside
But between us
It's worse in here
The world slows down but my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part where the end starts
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's left is goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here
Everyday seven takes of the same old scene
Seems we're bound by the laws of the same routine
Gotta talk to you now 'fore we go to sleep
But will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me
The world slows down but my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part where the end starts
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's left is goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here
I know you'll ask me to hold on
And carry on like nothing is wrong
But there is no more time for lies
Cause I see sun set in your eyes
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's left is goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you
But I gotta do this
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I hate this part
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take these tears
I hate this part right here
Tal vez no quieras que esta melodía
Te susurre el alma y te lleve al recuerdo
Tal vez auque no estemos juntos
Sentirás el aire que viene por ti
Quizás no quieras que la cobardía
De tu corazón no cure mi silencio
Tal vez nunca te has detenido
A reemplazar tu orgullo por mi amanecer
Tal vez soy yo el que se equivoca
Cuando pienso que has cambiado
Y me provocan mis ganas de verte, mi melancolía
No me han avisado que esto se termina
No se me hace fácil olvidar
Déjame besarte una vez más
Regresar de noche convertido en sueño
No es tan fácil, desprenderme de tu corazón
No es tan simple desafiarte amor
Y tenerte atada a algún motivo
Ser la sombra en tu camino
Tal vez no quieras que esta melodía
Te susurre el alma y te lleve al recuerdo
Tal vez podrás cambiar mi piel
Por otra que no tiene nada que decir
Tal vez soy yo el que se equivoca
Cuando pienso que has cambiado
Y me provocan mis ganas de verte, mi melancolía
No me han avisado que esto se termina
No se me hace fácil olvidar
Déjame besarte una vez más
Regresar de noche convertido en sueño
No es tan fácil, desprenderme de tu corazón
No es tan simple desafiarte amor
Y tenerte atada a algún motivo
Ser la sombra
No se me hace fácil olvidar
Déjame besarte una vez más
Regresar de noche convertido en sueño
No es tan fácil, desprenderme de tu corazón
No es tan simple desafiarte amor
Y tenerte atada a algún motivo
Ser la sombra
Tal vez no quieras que esta melodía
Te susurre el alma y te lleve al recuerdo
Tal vez auque no estemos juntos
Sentirás el aire
Pussycat dolls - I hate this part
We're driving slow through the snow
On fifth avenue
And right now radio is
All that we can hear
Man we ain't talked since we left
It's so overdue
It's cold outside
But between us
It's worse in here
The world slows down but my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part where the end starts
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's left is goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here
Everyday seven takes of the same old scene
Seems we're bound by the laws of the same routine
Gotta talk to you now 'fore we go to sleep
But will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me
The world slows down but my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part where the end starts
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's left is goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here
I know you'll ask me to hold on
And carry on like nothing is wrong
But there is no more time for lies
Cause I see sun set in your eyes
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's left is goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you
But I gotta do this
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I hate this part
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take these tears
I hate this part right here
star7 - Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 344
- Na forumu od: 30. 6. 2007
- Kraj: tam, kjer so zvezde
Tose Proeski - Jos i danas zamirisi tresnja
Jos i danas zamirise tresnja
u proljece kao davno prije
jedna tresnja danima daleko
tamo gdje me vec odavno nije
Rekao sam kad poci sam mor'o
uzmite mi i kucu i njivu
samo tresnju ostavite staru
kad navratim da je vidim zivu
Sta to ima u ljudima tuzno
da ulaze u tudje zivote
tko to zivi u proslosti mojoj
a jos nije umro od sramote
Rekao sam u vjetar sam pric'o
nikog nije bilo da me cuje
lijepu pjesmu ne voli bas svatko
neko baca kamen na slavuje
Nije nebo ovo sto vam nude
nije sunce od zlata i moci
kad bi mogli prodali bi Boga
njima niko ne moze pomoci
Ref. 2x
Jos i danas zamirise tresnja
u proljece kao davno prije
jedna tresnja danima daleko
tamo gdje me vec odavno nije
Rekao sam kad poci sam mor'o
uzmite mi i kucu i njivu
samo tresnju ostavite staru
kad navratim da je vidim zivu
Sta to ima u ljudima tuzno
da ulaze u tudje zivote
tko to zivi u proslosti mojoj
a jos nije umro od sramote
Rekao sam u vjetar sam pric'o
nikog nije bilo da me cuje
lijepu pjesmu ne voli bas svatko
neko baca kamen na slavuje
Nije nebo ovo sto vam nude
nije sunce od zlata i moci
kad bi mogli prodali bi Boga
njima niko ne moze pomoci
Ref. 2x
merisima - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 662
- Na forumu od: 18. 7. 2008
smotkA napisal/-a:Janis Joplin – piece of my heart
Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on,
Didn't I make you feel
Like you were the only man
Didn't I give you nearly everything
That a woman possibly can
Honey, you know I did
Each time I tell myself that I
Well, I think I've had enough
But I'm gonna show you baby
That a woman can be tough
Ah, won't you just
Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on,
And take it,
Take another little piece of my heart now Baby
Oh, and break it
Break another little piece of my heart, now darlin' yeah
Come on
Have another little piece of my heart now baby
Oh, now you've got it
If it makes you feel good
You're out on the streets looking good
And baby deep down in your heart
I guess you know that it ain't right
Never Never Never Never Never Never
Heal me when I cry at night
Babe, but I cry all the time
But each time I tell myself
That I can't stand the pain
But when you hold me in your arms
I'm saying it once again
Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on,
And take it,
Take another little piece of my heart now Baby
Oh, and break it
Break another little piece of my heart, now darlin' yeah
Come on
Have another little piece of my heart now baby
Oh, now you've got it
If it makes you feel good
Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on,
And take it,
Take another little piece of my heart now Baby
Oh, and break it
Break another little piece of my heart, now darlin' yeah
Come on
Have another little piece of my heart now baby
Oh, now you've got it
If it makes you feel good...
to je nekej po mojem mi glih najbolši komad,sam mi je stvarno huuud!
Piramida krije tajnu zemlje
tajnu svemira
piramida nosi grijehe
ovog naseg vremena
piramida skrivena.
(Divlje jagode:Piramida)
tajnu svemira
piramida nosi grijehe
ovog naseg vremena
piramida skrivena.
(Divlje jagode:Piramida)
SIEENA - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1437
- Na forumu od: 18. 3. 2005

I gave you my love
And you took it
I gave you my love
You said all you wanted
Just wanted to be free, but ...
Now you say, you want me back ...
Is a little too late for that.
I gave you my love.
I was so good to you, but
Oh Baby, who's crying now?
Who? Who's hurting now?
This too shall pass.
Tamceek - Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 302
- Na forumu od: 13. 5. 2008
Rihanna - Rehab
Baby, baby
When we first met
I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover
And my best friend
All wrapped into one
With a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden
You went, left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shot
That spun me around
And now my heart left
I feel so empty and hollow
And I'll never give myself to another
The way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize
The ways you hurt me
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get
For wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
Cause now I'm using like I believe
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
Ain't it crazy when you're love swept?
You'll do anything for the one you love
'Cause anytime that you needed me
I'd be there
It's like you were my favorite drug
The only problem is
That you was using me
In a different way that I was using you
But now that I know, it's not meant to be
You gotta go, I gotta win myself off of you
And I'll never give myself to another
The way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize
The ways you hurt me
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get
For wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
Cause now I'm using like I believe
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
Now ladies, gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, now gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Now ladies, gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, now gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get
For wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
Cause now I'm using I believe
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

Baby, baby
When we first met
I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover
And my best friend
All wrapped into one
With a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden
You went, left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shot
That spun me around
And now my heart left
I feel so empty and hollow
And I'll never give myself to another
The way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize
The ways you hurt me
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get
For wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
Cause now I'm using like I believe
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
Ain't it crazy when you're love swept?
You'll do anything for the one you love
'Cause anytime that you needed me
I'd be there
It's like you were my favorite drug
The only problem is
That you was using me
In a different way that I was using you
But now that I know, it's not meant to be
You gotta go, I gotta win myself off of you
And I'll never give myself to another
The way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize
The ways you hurt me
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get
For wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
Cause now I'm using like I believe
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
Now ladies, gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, now gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Now ladies, gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, now gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get
For wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
Cause now I'm using I believe
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab and
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
..just wanna dance, wanna go insane...
Bobi. - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 9
- Na forumu od: 10. 1. 2009
When I get to Warwick Avenue
Meet me by the entrance of the tube
We can talk things over little time
But promise me you wont stand by the light
When I get to Warwick Avenue
Please draw the past and be true
Don’t say we’re okay
Just because I’m here
You hurt me bad but I wont shed a tear
I’m leaving you for the last time baby
You think you’re loving,
But you don’t love me
And I’ve been confused
Outta my mind lately
You think you’re loving,
But I want to be free, baby
You’ve hurt me.
When I get to Warwick Avenue
We’ll spend an hour but no more than two
Our only chance to speak once more
I showed you answers, now here’s the door
When I get to Warwick Avenue
I’ll tell baby there we’re through
Cause I’m leaving you for the last time baby
You think you’re loving,
But you don’t love me
And I’ve been confused
An outta my mind lately
You think you’re loving,
But you don’t love me
I want to be free, baby
You’ve hurt me.
All the days spent together
I wish for better,
And I didn’t want the train to come
Now it’s departed, I’m broken hearted
Seems like we never started
All those days spent together
When I wished for better
And I didn’t want the train to come.
No, no.
You think you’re loving
But you don’t love me
I want to be free, baby
You’ve hurt me
You don’t love me
I want to be free
Baby you’ve hurt me
Meet me by the entrance of the tube
We can talk things over little time
But promise me you wont stand by the light
When I get to Warwick Avenue
Please draw the past and be true
Don’t say we’re okay
Just because I’m here
You hurt me bad but I wont shed a tear
I’m leaving you for the last time baby
You think you’re loving,
But you don’t love me
And I’ve been confused
Outta my mind lately
You think you’re loving,
But I want to be free, baby
You’ve hurt me.
When I get to Warwick Avenue
We’ll spend an hour but no more than two
Our only chance to speak once more
I showed you answers, now here’s the door
When I get to Warwick Avenue
I’ll tell baby there we’re through
Cause I’m leaving you for the last time baby
You think you’re loving,
But you don’t love me
And I’ve been confused
An outta my mind lately
You think you’re loving,
But you don’t love me
I want to be free, baby
You’ve hurt me.
All the days spent together
I wish for better,
And I didn’t want the train to come
Now it’s departed, I’m broken hearted
Seems like we never started
All those days spent together
When I wished for better
And I didn’t want the train to come.
No, no.
You think you’re loving
But you don’t love me
I want to be free, baby
You’ve hurt me
You don’t love me
I want to be free
Baby you’ve hurt me
ženska - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1439
- Na forumu od: 4. 10. 2005
- Kraj: Prelepa Gorenjska
Boban Rajović - Crna lala
Svatova, svatova biti nece
meni u rukama vene cvijece
hej, moja crna lala
nekom drugom vazda cvjetala
Pogledaj, sunce do mene ne stize
mjesec mi kapke spusta i podize
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Postelja, hladnija mi od mermera
oblake, vise niko ne otjera
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Ljepotice, trepavice moje voljene
crne kose spustene
Svatova, svatova nece biti
kisa ce, kisa ce, dugo liti
hej, meni nema ljeta
crna lala drugom cvjeta
Svatova, svatova biti nece
meni u rukama vene cvijece
hej, moja crna lala
nekom drugom vazda cvjetala
Pogledaj, vec sam razum izgubio
dangube usne kojim sam ljubio
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Postelja, hladnija mi od mermera
oblake vise niko ne otjera
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Ljepotice, trepavice moje voljene
crne kose spustene
Svatova, svatova biti nece
meni u rukama vene cvijece
hej, moja crna lala
nekom drugom vazda cvjetala
Pogledaj, sunce do mene ne stize
mjesec mi kapke spusta i podize
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Postelja, hladnija mi od mermera
oblake, vise niko ne otjera
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Ljepotice, trepavice moje voljene
crne kose spustene
Svatova, svatova nece biti
kisa ce, kisa ce, dugo liti
hej, meni nema ljeta
crna lala drugom cvjeta
Svatova, svatova biti nece
meni u rukama vene cvijece
hej, moja crna lala
nekom drugom vazda cvjetala
Pogledaj, vec sam razum izgubio
dangube usne kojim sam ljubio
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Postelja, hladnija mi od mermera
oblake vise niko ne otjera
danima, samo drijemam
sanjam sve, sve sto nemam
Ljepotice, trepavice moje voljene
crne kose spustene
AncheeYka - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 29
- Na forumu od: 2. 2. 2009
The Killers - A Dustland Fairytale
Dustland fairytale beginin
Just another white trash
County kiss
Sixty one
Long brown hair and foolish eyes
Look just like you gone into some
Kind of slick chrome american prince
A blue jean serenade
Moon river what'd you do to be
But i don't believe you
Some cinderella in a party dress but
She was looking for a night gown
I saw the devil warping up his hands
Hes getting ready for the show down
I saw the minute that i turn away
I got my money on a pond tonight
Change came in disguised of revelation
Set his soul on fire
She said she'd always knew he'd come around
And the decades disappear like sinking
Ships we persevere god gives us hope
But we still fear
We don't know
The mind is poison castle in the sky
Sit stranded vandalized
The draw bridge is closing
Some cinderella in a party dress but
She was looking for a night gown
I saw the devil warping up his hands
Hes getting ready for the show down
I saw the ending were they turned the page
I threw my money and i ran away
Strait to the vally of the great divide
And were the dreams roll high
And were the wind dont blow
Out here the good girls die
And the sky wont snow
Out here the bird don't sing
Out here the field don't grow
Out here the bell don't ring
Out here the bell don't ring
Out here the good girls die
Now cinderella don't you go to sleep
Its such a bitter form of refuge
Ahh don't you know the kingdoms under siege
And everybody needs you
Is there still magic in the midnight sun
Or did you leave it back in sixty-one
In the of the cadence in the young mans eyes
And were the dreams roll high
Dustland fairytale beginin
Just another white trash
County kiss
Sixty one
Long brown hair and foolish eyes
Look just like you gone into some
Kind of slick chrome american prince
A blue jean serenade
Moon river what'd you do to be
But i don't believe you
Some cinderella in a party dress but
She was looking for a night gown
I saw the devil warping up his hands
Hes getting ready for the show down
I saw the minute that i turn away
I got my money on a pond tonight
Change came in disguised of revelation
Set his soul on fire
She said she'd always knew he'd come around
And the decades disappear like sinking
Ships we persevere god gives us hope
But we still fear
We don't know
The mind is poison castle in the sky
Sit stranded vandalized
The draw bridge is closing
Some cinderella in a party dress but
She was looking for a night gown
I saw the devil warping up his hands
Hes getting ready for the show down
I saw the ending were they turned the page
I threw my money and i ran away
Strait to the vally of the great divide
And were the dreams roll high
And were the wind dont blow
Out here the good girls die
And the sky wont snow
Out here the bird don't sing
Out here the field don't grow
Out here the bell don't ring
Out here the bell don't ring
Out here the good girls die
Now cinderella don't you go to sleep
Its such a bitter form of refuge
Ahh don't you know the kingdoms under siege
And everybody needs you
Is there still magic in the midnight sun
Or did you leave it back in sixty-one
In the of the cadence in the young mans eyes
And were the dreams roll high
piškotek* - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 947
- Na forumu od: 27. 1. 2009
- Kraj: Primorska
Tabu - Pesek in dotik
dotik, le dotik,
je povedal vse za oba,
pogled le en pogled,
je spremenil najin svet
se še spomniš risanja po pesku?
pesek naju je pokril za lahko noč
prvič zvezde skupaj sva preštela
pozabila na vse
en dan le en dan
ki v večnost je ujet
poljub le en poljub
je obljuba vseh obljub
moj dotik začuti tvoje prste
prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik
usnice zardijo v barvah sreče
sreče da zdaj eno sva
tu stojim ponosno s teboj
ti povem misli jasno na glas
moj dotik začuti tvoje prste
prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik
usnice zardijo v barvi sreče
sreče da sva zdaj midva
moj dotik začuti tvoje prste
prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik
usnice zardijo v barvi sreče
sreče da zdaj eno sva
tu stojim ponosno s tebo
ti povem misli jasno na glas
tu stojim mirno in ponosno s teboj in
čutim kaj imam ti povem
vse kar čutim jasno na glas
ljubim te do neba
glej kako lepo
zvezde plešejo
spomni se na pesek in dotik
prvi je korak junija takrat
še spomin na pesek in poljub
dotik, le dotik,
je povedal vse za oba,
pogled le en pogled,
je spremenil najin svet
se še spomniš risanja po pesku?
pesek naju je pokril za lahko noč
prvič zvezde skupaj sva preštela
pozabila na vse
en dan le en dan
ki v večnost je ujet
poljub le en poljub
je obljuba vseh obljub
moj dotik začuti tvoje prste
prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik
usnice zardijo v barvah sreče
sreče da zdaj eno sva
tu stojim ponosno s teboj
ti povem misli jasno na glas
moj dotik začuti tvoje prste
prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik
usnice zardijo v barvi sreče
sreče da sva zdaj midva
moj dotik začuti tvoje prste
prsti čutijo ljubezni zlat dotik
usnice zardijo v barvi sreče
sreče da zdaj eno sva
tu stojim ponosno s tebo
ti povem misli jasno na glas
tu stojim mirno in ponosno s teboj in
čutim kaj imam ti povem
vse kar čutim jasno na glas
ljubim te do neba
glej kako lepo
zvezde plešejo
spomni se na pesek in dotik
prvi je korak junija takrat
še spomin na pesek in poljub
(s)mej se
Kdo je na strani
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