Vaše osebno sporočilo na msn #4
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
S4nČ|k4 - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 11
- Na forumu od: 29. 12. 2008
Smile. : ) Because it's easier than explaining why you're so sad.
Ah, because I'm not crazy, jealous, baby...It doesn't mean that I don't care!
Baby, your body fits me like a glove.
You are burned into my mind forever. There is nothing, nothing in this world that will ever change that.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. (Walt Disney) manjka mi NIČ razen en "pameten" fant...ker to ne obstaja, lahko rečem, da mi ne manjka NIČ.
How can i stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Če se pa kaj ponavlja - sory
Ah, because I'm not crazy, jealous, baby...It doesn't mean that I don't care!
Baby, your body fits me like a glove.
You are burned into my mind forever. There is nothing, nothing in this world that will ever change that.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. (Walt Disney) manjka mi NIČ razen en "pameten" fant...ker to ne obstaja, lahko rečem, da mi ne manjka NIČ.
How can i stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Če se pa kaj ponavlja - sory

...Ne zanima me ali je zgodba, ki mi jo pripoveduješ, resnična. Rada bi vedela,ali si upaš razočarati drugega, da bi ostal zvest sebi, ali lahko preneseš, da si obtožen izdajstva, ne da bi izdal svojo dušo...
Pjeb - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 137
- Na forumu od: 9. 10. 2010
- Kraj: koroska
is cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
ce bi kreme proti gubam delovale, bi bile zenske brez prstnih odtisov.
I'll make your night if you make my day.
If one drop of semen contains more life than a drop of blood...why don't vampyres suck cock?
Dear Santa...all I want for Christmas is your list of all the naughty girls.
Vsi tisti ki verjamete v telekinezo, dvignite mojo roko.
ce bi kreme proti gubam delovale, bi bile zenske brez prstnih odtisov.
I'll make your night if you make my day.
If one drop of semen contains more life than a drop of blood...why don't vampyres suck cock?
Dear Santa...all I want for Christmas is your list of all the naughty girls.
Vsi tisti ki verjamete v telekinezo, dvignite mojo roko.
Jaz sem tisti pred katerim te je opozarjala mama...
ampak oba dobro vema, da je nisi nikdar poslusala.
ampak oba dobro vema, da je nisi nikdar poslusala.
*Nadia* - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 13
- Na forumu od: 3. 1. 2010
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique
As we grow up, we don't lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are
I'm telling the truth, but then I smile, and then they think I'm lying.
If I actually did "live like there's no tomorrow". I'd be in jail.
I tend to say 'I dont know' when im just too lazy to think.
'hello!' *no reply* ohh yeah i forgot i only excist when you want me too.
life is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind
I ♥ my own bed. But I’ll be honest, I'd much rather be in yours
As we grow up, we don't lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are
I'm telling the truth, but then I smile, and then they think I'm lying.

If I actually did "live like there's no tomorrow". I'd be in jail.
I tend to say 'I dont know' when im just too lazy to think.
'hello!' *no reply* ohh yeah i forgot i only excist when you want me too.
life is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind
I ♥ my own bed. But I’ll be honest, I'd much rather be in yours

*Sagitt* - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 150
- Na forumu od: 10. 3. 2008
- Kraj: Maribor
Punce rabim pomoč!
ima katera kaj takšnega v smislu da naj se briga za sebe in začne pred svojim pragom pucat mojega pa naj pusti na miru? lahko tudi v ang.
Punce rabim pomoč!
ima katera kaj takšnega v smislu da naj se briga za sebe in začne pred svojim pragom pucat mojega pa naj pusti na miru? lahko tudi v ang.
Some things end, some things begin and some things never change ..
.drama.queen. - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 38
- Na forumu od: 13. 3. 2008
- Kraj: somewhere over the rainbow
U meni se krije talent..samo se dobro sakrio P***a mu materina. 

- StrelkaBelka
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 3
- Na forumu od: 24. 1. 2011
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Time is come to buy a chocolate.
Najprej štalca pol pa kravca.
Najboljši pa so seveda miselne.
Najprej štalca pol pa kravca.
Najboljši pa so seveda miselne.
*mala* - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 8839
- Na forumu od: 3. 8. 2004
^^ Zbriši prvega z Msn, da ne bodo vsi videli tvoje znanje ang. 

But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.
- sirova štručka
- Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 5990
- Na forumu od: 9. 12. 2009
Zadnjič spremenil sirova štručka, dne 05. Dec. 2016 18:24, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
la_estrella - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 269
- Na forumu od: 31. 7. 2008
- Kraj: Povsod po malo
Libido. napisal/-a:Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

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