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Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
Jela - Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 360
- Na forumu od: 2. 8. 2005
- Kraj: Bla Bla
Frenkie napisal/-a:Men ma pa Jela ful dobr podpis:
*Don't be sad, never cry, I love you, that's why. Don't forget me never and I will be your friend 4ever!*

Tale od nuttele mi je zanimiv:
Boj se uresničitve vseh svojih želja.
- s.j.parker
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 74
- Na forumu od: 25. 4. 2006
Ni pameti in strasti ko padaš z neba.
Noben moški ni tako pameten, da ženska ne bi znala narediti bedaka iz njega.
Kdor ni zase, ni niti za drugega.
Če je kaj popolnega na svetu, so to definitivno popolni bedaki.
When you wanna give up, and your hearts abaut to breake
remember that you`re perfect, God makes no mistakes.
Če je res, da ljubezen čaka na vsakem vogalu
potem najbrž hodim v krogu.
V lepem telesu je čarovnija.
Za nekom, ki odhaja je vedno nekdo,ki ostaja.
neki takega se mi v glavi dogaja skoz life.....
Noben moški ni tako pameten, da ženska ne bi znala narediti bedaka iz njega.
Kdor ni zase, ni niti za drugega.
Če je kaj popolnega na svetu, so to definitivno popolni bedaki.
When you wanna give up, and your hearts abaut to breake
remember that you`re perfect, God makes no mistakes.
Če je res, da ljubezen čaka na vsakem vogalu
potem najbrž hodim v krogu.
V lepem telesu je čarovnija.
Za nekom, ki odhaja je vedno nekdo,ki ostaja.
neki takega se mi v glavi dogaja skoz life.....
avalon - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 79
- Na forumu od: 11. 3. 2005
- Kraj: Ljubljana
od latte mi je ful hud: How blind can you be and still have eyes?
pa še od enga dekliča pa se at the moment ne spomnem, sam mi že cel dan hodi po glavi: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
drgač pa še moja personal zbirka:
- Live every day as if it were your last, because one of these days, it will be.
- The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
- Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov
pa še od enga dekliča pa se at the moment ne spomnem, sam mi že cel dan hodi po glavi: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
drgač pa še moja personal zbirka:
- Live every day as if it were your last, because one of these days, it will be.
- The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
- Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov
Smile. It’s The Second Best Thing You Can Do With Your Lips.
Aloha - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 2848
- Na forumu od: 20. 9. 2005
- Kraj: Havajsko otočje
Men pa vedno, k sm žalostna, prou pride tale...
Everything is okay in the and... If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Pa neki takih, k jih mam poleplene naokol...
Bog, daj mi umirjenost, da sprejmem stvari, ki jih ni moč spremeniti,
daj mi moč, da spremenim stvari, ki jih je moč spremeniti,
in daj mi modrost, da bom razlikoval med enim in drugim.
If you want the rainbow, you have to pass through the rain.
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice,
it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
Naša veličina ni v tem, da nikoli ne pademo,
temveč, da se vsakokrat, ko pademo, poberemo.
Sonce sreče sije za vse, le postaviti se moramo pod njegov žarek.
Če se ne moreš dotakniti neba, še ne pomeni, da ga ni.
If you stand out in the rain long enough, you will eventually see the rainbow.
V življenju so ljubezni, ki zmešajo glavo, čute, duha in srce. Med vsemi pa je ena sama, ki ne zmede, ampak prodre v globino. In ta umre edino le z bitjem, v katerem se je zakoreninila.
Everything is okay in the and... If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Pa neki takih, k jih mam poleplene naokol...
Bog, daj mi umirjenost, da sprejmem stvari, ki jih ni moč spremeniti,
daj mi moč, da spremenim stvari, ki jih je moč spremeniti,
in daj mi modrost, da bom razlikoval med enim in drugim.
If you want the rainbow, you have to pass through the rain.
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice,
it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
Naša veličina ni v tem, da nikoli ne pademo,
temveč, da se vsakokrat, ko pademo, poberemo.
Sonce sreče sije za vse, le postaviti se moramo pod njegov žarek.
Če se ne moreš dotakniti neba, še ne pomeni, da ga ni.
If you stand out in the rain long enough, you will eventually see the rainbow.
V življenju so ljubezni, ki zmešajo glavo, čute, duha in srce. Med vsemi pa je ena sama, ki ne zmede, ampak prodre v globino. In ta umre edino le z bitjem, v katerem se je zakoreninila.
Smell the warm and salty air... see a wave reflect a beam... stop and find a pretty shell... make it real your summer dream...
ANGELgirl - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 770
- Na forumu od: 9. 11. 2004
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Še nekaj dobrih sem našla:
- Good luck is often with the man who doesn´t include it in his plans
- Če hočeš, da se ti sanje izpolnjo, se zbudi
- It is always wise to look ahead but difficult to look farther than you can see
- Nekoga popolnoma imeti je najboljše; če pa to ni mogoče, tedaj je najbolje da ga popolnoma izgubimo.
Upam, da so vam všeč
- Good luck is often with the man who doesn´t include it in his plans
- Če hočeš, da se ti sanje izpolnjo, se zbudi
- It is always wise to look ahead but difficult to look farther than you can see
- Nekoga popolnoma imeti je najboljše; če pa to ni mogoče, tedaj je najbolje da ga popolnoma izgubimo.
Upam, da so vam všeč
Kdor o sreči samo sanja, naj se ne čudi, če jo bo prespal...
avalon - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 79
- Na forumu od: 11. 3. 2005
- Kraj: Ljubljana
da še jest mal prispevam:
- "You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."
- "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
- Women have many faults. Men have only two. Everything they say and everything they do!

- "You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."
- "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
- Women have many faults. Men have only two. Everything they say and everything they do!

Smile. It’s The Second Best Thing You Can Do With Your Lips.
NigHtWishyKa† - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 57
- Na forumu od: 15. 2. 2006
- Kraj: over the hills and far away
v življenju lahko storiš 2 veliki napaki: da verjameš da si nekaj da misliš da to nisi
†why am I loved only when I`m gone...gone back in time to bless the child†
**bonita** - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 110
- Na forumu od: 22. 4. 2006
- Kraj: Kranj
ta je zlo fajn
When you wanna give up, and your hearts abaut to breake
remember that you`re perfect, God makes no mistakes.
When you wanna give up, and your hearts abaut to breake
remember that you`re perfect, God makes no mistakes.
**bonita** - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 110
- Na forumu od: 22. 4. 2006
- Kraj: Kranj
ta je zlo fajn
When you wanna give up, and your hearts abaut to breake
remember that you`re perfect, God makes no mistakes.
When you wanna give up, and your hearts abaut to breake
remember that you`re perfect, God makes no mistakes.
Kdo je na strani
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