Toše Proeski
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
little_biest - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 42
- Na forumu od: 10. 11. 2007
- Kraj: Novo mesto
Jst svetujem vsem uporabnicam naj ne komentirajo na poste od KiLLyKa (vsaj v tej temi ne)!!! Ker je več kot očitno, da je tale uporabnica prišla provocirat na forum. Raje ignorirajte, ker drugače se bo tale tema izrodila v nekaj takega kot se je tema o "Sanji Grohar". In na koncu bo šla tema še pod ključ. Tega si pa ne želimo
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NeGrA - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 140
- Na forumu od: 20. 12. 2006
KiLLyKa napisal/-a:tle pa ne bo noben napisu: a bi ga pustile počivat v miru? Al ga je treba še zmer vlačit po forumih in nevemkaj vse?
No sej zdej me boste itk vse napadle, da kok sm smotana itd. Sam jebatga...moje mnenje. Kar je blo je blo, valda da se neki časa piše...sam enkrat je pa tud tega dost.
noben nobenga ne bo napadal... sam lej, loh sam neki rečem... ta tema je odprta pač za tiste k bi radi pisali not... in popolnoma noben nobenga ne sili, da kej komentira... če komu ni prou... si pač teme ne rabi odpirat, še manj pa pisat vanjo...
pač itak, vsak ma svoje mnenje... sam ne vem koji k**** pol vsak gleda v temo kaj se piše, če ga/jo to zelo moti k se tok piše o njemu!! Ignorirej pa je... je še dost tem, k rabjo poste!! (to govorim nasploh za vse k jim tok v nos hodi teh "par" strani... )
Sessa - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1171
- Na forumu od: 20. 4. 2007
- Kraj: Maribor
little_biest napisal/-a:Jst svetujem vsem uporabnicam naj ne komentirajo na poste od KiLLyKa (vsaj v tej temi ne)!!! Ker je več kot očitno, da je tale uporabnica prišla provocirat na forum. Raje ignorirajte, ker drugače se bo tale tema izrodila v nekaj takega kot se je tema o "Sanji Grohar". In na koncu bo šla tema še pod ključ. Tega si pa ne želimo
ja vredna tega.
*AngeL* - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 124
- Na forumu od: 30. 10. 2007
- Kraj: somewhere over the rainbow
Sessa napisal/-a:little_biest napisal/-a:Jst svetujem vsem uporabnicam naj ne komentirajo na poste od KiLLyKa (vsaj v tej temi ne)!!! Ker je več kot očitno, da je tale uporabnica prišla provocirat na forum. Raje ignorirajte, ker drugače se bo tale tema izrodila v nekaj takega kot se je tema o "Sanji Grohar". In na koncu bo šla tema še pod ključ. Tega si pa ne želimo
ja vredna tega.
sm tud jst ze brala u tisti temi od sanje do cesa usega je ze prslo..tko d KiLLyKa,sploh nam komentirala tvojga posta,so ti ze druge povedale..toshe nam je biu ql,nam je ql se zdej in zato mamo tud to temo kamor pisemo svoje obcutke in ostalo kar je povezano z njim...
tistga pisma k ga je ena napisala pa jst nemorm vidt ker mi ne odpre povezave ..a bi bla kera tok prjazna pa d ga sm kopira?prosim
pjevaj među anđelima kad nemozes vise nama..
4ever in my <3 toshe*
4ever in my <3 toshe*
sugar_Neza - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 153
- Na forumu od: 28. 9. 2007
- Kraj: Grosuplje
torej ženske, nek sm zasledila( en sošolc mi je povedou), da je Toše hotu posnet pesm z Beyonce, jst sam lol k se skoz neki zmišluje on.....
in pač em je uztraju s sta res hotla posnet video in valda d poj tud pesem.... in pol sm se čist razpičkila d se nima pravice izmišlvt o njemu, k je biu res prfect...
pa je še uztraju tko da a ste kje zasledile kej tacga?..
torej ženske, nek sm zasledila( en sošolc mi je povedou), da je Toše hotu posnet pesm z Beyonce, jst sam lol k se skoz neki zmišluje on.....
in pač em je uztraju s sta res hotla posnet video in valda d poj tud pesem.... in pol sm se čist razpičkila d se nima pravice izmišlvt o njemu, k je biu res prfect...
pa je še uztraju tko da a ste kje zasledile kej tacga?..
*AngeL* - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 124
- Na forumu od: 30. 10. 2007
- Kraj: somewhere over the rainbow
pjevaj među anđelima kad nemozes vise nama..
4ever in my <3 toshe*
4ever in my <3 toshe*
Sessa - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1171
- Na forumu od: 20. 4. 2007
- Kraj: Maribor
Kopiram pisemce
Hello everyone, I didn't know where to put this so I put it here. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place for this topic. I Give me one moment to tell you about a man who was our light when it was dark, who was our warmth when it was cold and who put the smile on our face in the toughest moments in our lives. Let me tell you about an Angel,my biggest idol, a legend whose life ended much too early. Let me tell you about Tose, our Tose Proeski. This guy, was an true angel walking on earth. He not only was an angel because of his truly angelic voice, but he was an angel because his mission, like he said himself, was to spread love. And he succeeded. I think everybody knows the situation on the Balkans. Everybody knows about the wars, fights, hatred, that have been going on in the Balkans for the last 15 years. This Macedonian man didn’t care much about that. He loved everyone for what they should be loved, he loved everyone for who they were and not for where they came from. This Angel grew up in poor circumstances, but still even in the start of his career he gave more money for charity than that he kept for himself. For him it wasn’t a commercial act. He did that with his whole heart. Like he said himself after ing a family by giving them money: “After doing this I know tonight someone will sleep with a huge weight off their shoulders and I will sleep with a weight of my heart.” God was the most important thing for Tose. Everything he did, for every success he first thanked God and then his parents for raising him. He was also building a church in his hometown Krusevo (Macedonia). Unfortunately he could never see it in the final state. As you have noticed, I’m writing about Tose in past tense. I can’t describe the shock we felt when on October 16th we heard that our Angel, our hero, our Pride Tose has passed away when he was just 26 years old. That day, the darkest and saddest day in my life, Tose had an car accident on his way to Croatia where he was about to shoot a music video of one of his songs on his newest album. Everybody starting from little children, teens, mothers, fathers, old people, politicians, musicians simply everybody was in great shock. For the first time in 15 years Macedonians and Albanians cried together, for the first time Serbians and Croats cried together, for the first time it just didn’t matter what God we prayed to, we all prayed for our angel. We were all one again. Mission accomplished Tose! On the internet you can find a lot more information about him and his work. I hope you will take a look at it. LET’S CONTINUE TOSE’S MISSION!!! LET’S SPREAD LOVE IN HIS NAME!! LET’S SHOW THE WORLD THAT WE HAD AN ANGEL ON EARTH! I hope he will touch your heart like he did with us. Yours sincerely, Elena
Hello everyone, I didn't know where to put this so I put it here. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place for this topic. I Give me one moment to tell you about a man who was our light when it was dark, who was our warmth when it was cold and who put the smile on our face in the toughest moments in our lives. Let me tell you about an Angel,my biggest idol, a legend whose life ended much too early. Let me tell you about Tose, our Tose Proeski. This guy, was an true angel walking on earth. He not only was an angel because of his truly angelic voice, but he was an angel because his mission, like he said himself, was to spread love. And he succeeded. I think everybody knows the situation on the Balkans. Everybody knows about the wars, fights, hatred, that have been going on in the Balkans for the last 15 years. This Macedonian man didn’t care much about that. He loved everyone for what they should be loved, he loved everyone for who they were and not for where they came from. This Angel grew up in poor circumstances, but still even in the start of his career he gave more money for charity than that he kept for himself. For him it wasn’t a commercial act. He did that with his whole heart. Like he said himself after ing a family by giving them money: “After doing this I know tonight someone will sleep with a huge weight off their shoulders and I will sleep with a weight of my heart.” God was the most important thing for Tose. Everything he did, for every success he first thanked God and then his parents for raising him. He was also building a church in his hometown Krusevo (Macedonia). Unfortunately he could never see it in the final state. As you have noticed, I’m writing about Tose in past tense. I can’t describe the shock we felt when on October 16th we heard that our Angel, our hero, our Pride Tose has passed away when he was just 26 years old. That day, the darkest and saddest day in my life, Tose had an car accident on his way to Croatia where he was about to shoot a music video of one of his songs on his newest album. Everybody starting from little children, teens, mothers, fathers, old people, politicians, musicians simply everybody was in great shock. For the first time in 15 years Macedonians and Albanians cried together, for the first time Serbians and Croats cried together, for the first time it just didn’t matter what God we prayed to, we all prayed for our angel. We were all one again. Mission accomplished Tose! On the internet you can find a lot more information about him and his work. I hope you will take a look at it. LET’S CONTINUE TOSE’S MISSION!!! LET’S SPREAD LOVE IN HIS NAME!! LET’S SHOW THE WORLD THAT WE HAD AN ANGEL ON EARTH! I hope he will touch your heart like he did with us. Yours sincerely, Elena
*AngeL* - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 124
- Na forumu od: 30. 10. 2007
- Kraj: somewhere over the rainbow
oo toj pa nasa Elena napisala..res dobr ...drgac pa..usa ta pisma k so jih punce napisale za Oprah..kar sm jih uspela bla prou taka..d si kuj dubu solzne oci...vsaj jst...prou lepo napisan..toshe si to zasluz...
aja Sessa,hvala k si kopirala
aja Sessa,hvala k si kopirala
pjevaj među anđelima kad nemozes vise nama..
4ever in my <3 toshe*
4ever in my <3 toshe*
sugar_Neza - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 153
- Na forumu od: 28. 9. 2007
- Kraj: Grosuplje
o majke ni me ukol prnesu , jst sm gapa za bz napičkila(sušolca mislm).....
ja tele pismčka so res lepe, jst kuj jokam
ja tele pismčka so res lepe, jst kuj jokam
malina2203 - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 99
- Na forumu od: 13. 8. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Toše večer:
Do dvorane se pa pride takole.
Mogoče je katera že objavila tole, ampak vas še enkrat spomnim
Lp in upam da se vidimo!
Do dvorane se pa pride takole.
Mogoče je katera že objavila tole, ampak vas še enkrat spomnim
Lp in upam da se vidimo!
Da se bar mogu probuditi
u svijetu ljubavi
bez starih dugova
i ovih nakaza
što su me stalno pratile...
u svijetu ljubavi
bez starih dugova
i ovih nakaza
što su me stalno pratile...
sugar_Neza - Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 153
- Na forumu od: 28. 9. 2007
- Kraj: Grosuplje
pa zakva glih ta dan k morm jst jt z rokometam igrat na madžarsk a...
sad sej bote poj poročale babe an
sad sej bote poj poročale babe an
blondygirl - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 507
- Na forumu od: 7. 11. 2007
sam res punce mene tud zanima zakaj glih ta dan? skoda k ni en teden prej blo-k sm mela cajt-ne pa zdej k mam tok obveznosti decembra!
malina2203 - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 99
- Na forumu od: 13. 8. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Za ta datum smo se zmenile že pred tremi tedni. Če ne morete pač žal ne morete, noben termin ni tak ki bi odgovarjal vsem (še posebej ker to ni stvar samo tega foruma, ampak je precej širša).
Sigurno se bomo še kdaj dobili, upam da boste takrat lahko prišle.
Sigurno se bomo še kdaj dobili, upam da boste takrat lahko prišle.
Da se bar mogu probuditi
u svijetu ljubavi
bez starih dugova
i ovih nakaza
što su me stalno pratile...
u svijetu ljubavi
bez starih dugova
i ovih nakaza
što su me stalno pratile...
Kdo je na strani
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