Neil Patrick Harris
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
purple_rain - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 7639
- Na forumu od: 13. 2. 2006
- Kraj: Lj
^^kok je najs model, no!
ActuallyNPH: "I just got a troubling call from the People's Choice people. It seems some of you are not meeting your 'five gajillion votes for NPH' quota?"

ActuallyNPH: "I just got a troubling call from the People's Choice people. It seems some of you are not meeting your 'five gajillion votes for NPH' quota?"

Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Men je pr njemu najbolj všeč to, da je realen, resničen, iskren, brez ovinkarjenja, praktičen, sarkastičen... bolj za našo stran luže
Pr temu intervjuju me sam srbi, da ne bojo zlobni ljudje začel takoj obračat njegove besede, da ni vse postlano z rožicami, in da k pogledaš dojenčka, ni takoj prvič, v sekundi ene največje neomejene ljubezni in povezave z njim... to pride sčasoma.

Pr temu intervjuju me sam srbi, da ne bojo zlobni ljudje začel takoj obračat njegove besede, da ni vse postlano z rožicami, in da k pogledaš dojenčka, ni takoj prvič, v sekundi ene največje neomejene ljubezni in povezave z njim... to pride sčasoma.
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Leyko*smejko - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 42
- Na forumu od: 2. 5. 2010
- Kraj: Ljubljana- center
Haha, tip je res car, ja... tak naraven in iskren mi deluje!
Ja sej vedno folk obrača in prireja zgodbe... i'm so sick of it!!!!

Ja sej vedno folk obrača in prireja zgodbe... i'm so sick of it!!!!

Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Awwwww maaann
"Excited about tomorrow. My 39th annual 'What I'm Thankful For' list will have many chapters, and overstay it's welcome. Much like relatives."
"Oops, sorry. Typo. I said 39th Annual - I meant 93rd Annual. Yeah. It's allll that. Sometimes funny, often not. Many tweets to come..."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 1: David B & the Wonder Twins, Haagen Daz Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream, The Walking Dead on AMC, iAnything"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 2: Barney Stinson, Leftover turkey sandwiches, the dopest Twitter followers around, Bristol not winning DWTS."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 3: Jason Segel reviving the Muppets, Frontier burritos, our troops here and abroad, burp cloths, Doodle Jump."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 4: Nachos."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 5: My Mom, who's new to Twitter (@gladSheila), Pixar everything, Omakase sushi, Kristin Wiig, The Magic Castle"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 6: a great meal from @GourmetMD ( ), my son smiling back at me today for the 1st time"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 7: The fact that everyone is taking a few hours out of this day to vote 10000 times ("
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 8: Michaels Shannon & Stuhlbarg in Boardwalk Empire, Green chiles, Robert Sabuda, Garrett's chicago mix popcorn"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 9: Eeeeechkt... unnng, unnnnnng, baaah... Eechhhhkt... Waaaaahhhh! WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"
"Sorry. Sorry. Harper was playing with my iPhone..."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 10: Walt Disney World, Our HIMYM resident director Pam Fryman, Canon S90, This guy:"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part Last: All of your hilarious responses today. But I have to say, most of all, more than anything, I'm thankful f"
"I'm thankful for my amazing boyfriend and my incredible kids!"

"Excited about tomorrow. My 39th annual 'What I'm Thankful For' list will have many chapters, and overstay it's welcome. Much like relatives."
"Oops, sorry. Typo. I said 39th Annual - I meant 93rd Annual. Yeah. It's allll that. Sometimes funny, often not. Many tweets to come..."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 1: David B & the Wonder Twins, Haagen Daz Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream, The Walking Dead on AMC, iAnything"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 2: Barney Stinson, Leftover turkey sandwiches, the dopest Twitter followers around, Bristol not winning DWTS."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 3: Jason Segel reviving the Muppets, Frontier burritos, our troops here and abroad, burp cloths, Doodle Jump."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 4: Nachos."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 5: My Mom, who's new to Twitter (@gladSheila), Pixar everything, Omakase sushi, Kristin Wiig, The Magic Castle"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 6: a great meal from @GourmetMD ( ), my son smiling back at me today for the 1st time"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 7: The fact that everyone is taking a few hours out of this day to vote 10000 times ("
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 8: Michaels Shannon & Stuhlbarg in Boardwalk Empire, Green chiles, Robert Sabuda, Garrett's chicago mix popcorn"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 9: Eeeeechkt... unnng, unnnnnng, baaah... Eechhhhkt... Waaaaahhhh! WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"
"Sorry. Sorry. Harper was playing with my iPhone..."
"What I'm Thankful For, Part 10: Walt Disney World, Our HIMYM resident director Pam Fryman, Canon S90, This guy:"
"What I'm Thankful For, Part Last: All of your hilarious responses today. But I have to say, most of all, more than anything, I'm thankful f"
"I'm thankful for my amazing boyfriend and my incredible kids!"
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Leyko*smejko - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 42
- Na forumu od: 2. 5. 2010
- Kraj: Ljubljana- center

purple_rain - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 7639
- Na forumu od: 13. 2. 2006
- Kraj: Lj
Heh, jz pa ugotovila: zdej, ko se tolk več govori o Julianu Assangu - aneda, da če kdaj o njem posnamejo film, bi ga moral NPH igrat? 

Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
hehe... sta si podobna, ja
Jst mislim, da bi mogu NPH igrat Jokerja v kakem od Batmanovih filmov. Pomoje bi to bil zadetek v polno.
Aja, pa Trevor Live je bil včeraj, bom prilimala kak video njegovga pa od Davida nastopa, sam da kaka boljša kvaliteta pride vn.

Jst mislim, da bi mogu NPH igrat Jokerja v kakem od Batmanovih filmov. Pomoje bi to bil zadetek v polno.
Aja, pa Trevor Live je bil včeraj, bom prilimala kak video njegovga pa od Davida nastopa, sam da kaka boljša kvaliteta pride vn.
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Še ena dobra komedija (sitcom) z NPHjem v glavni vlogi & Tony Shaloub-om (Monk): klik 

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Maurissa Th-neki (žena od brata od Joss Whedona, una azijka v dr. horrible-ju) je tweetala slikco svojioh novoletnih voščilnic.
Guess who's in front?

Guess who's in front?

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
a ni kjut slikca?
Taka, perfect family: starša, otroka & kuža
Drgač pa je slikco že dala dol (vrjetno jo je kdo opozoril, da atija nista še dala slikc tamalih v javnost).
Glede tega članka (vidm, da se je Neil nasmeju), upam da se tut novinarka samo zafrkava, k je logično, da je to NPH namenoma delu

Drgač pa je slikco že dala dol (vrjetno jo je kdo opozoril, da atija nista še dala slikc tamalih v javnost).
Glede tega članka (vidm, da se je Neil nasmeju), upam da se tut novinarka samo zafrkava, k je logično, da je to NPH namenoma delu

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
ahahaha... dream on
@ActuallyNPH: Great congratulations to David Furnish & Elton John on the birth of their son, Zachary! Can't wait for play dates in the south of France...
aja, Pa še mini teaser za novie People Magazine intervju:
It's double diaper duty and sleepless nights for How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris and actor/chef David Burtka, 35 – but the couple wouldn't have it any other way.
"Everyone says that it's such a blur after it happens," says Harris of becoming parents to fraternal twins Harper Grace and Gideon Scott, born Oct. 12 via surrogate. "I find myself constantly just trying to wrap my mind around it."
After almost seven years together, Harris, 37, and Burtka, 35, began the surrogacy process and were "thrilled" to discover they were having fraternal twins.
"We inserted two eggs, one with my sperm, one with David's sperm and they both took," says Harris. Holding their children in the delivery room shortly after their birth was "just absolute joy," says Burtka. "We had two babies that we made. With help."
The family just moved into a "more kid-friendly" home in the Hollywood Hills and the twins have a new nursery with an old-school Disney theme park décor. "Harper has been fussy but Gideon is the easiest baby in the world," says Burtka. "They're just now starting to recognize us and smile."
"I just love the way they smell. And we can use them as an excuse to get out of almost anything," adds Harris, jokingly. "That's cleared the calendar in a good way."
For more of Harris and Burtka's interview, including exclusive photos of their twins, pick up this week's issue of PEOPLE on newsstands Friday
Ok, tole je prvi same-sex couple na naslovnici z otroci ever, in oni dajo eno bedno weight-loss zgodbo za glavno sliko?!?!

@ActuallyNPH: Great congratulations to David Furnish & Elton John on the birth of their son, Zachary! Can't wait for play dates in the south of France...
aja, Pa še mini teaser za novie People Magazine intervju:
It's double diaper duty and sleepless nights for How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris and actor/chef David Burtka, 35 – but the couple wouldn't have it any other way.
"Everyone says that it's such a blur after it happens," says Harris of becoming parents to fraternal twins Harper Grace and Gideon Scott, born Oct. 12 via surrogate. "I find myself constantly just trying to wrap my mind around it."
After almost seven years together, Harris, 37, and Burtka, 35, began the surrogacy process and were "thrilled" to discover they were having fraternal twins.
"We inserted two eggs, one with my sperm, one with David's sperm and they both took," says Harris. Holding their children in the delivery room shortly after their birth was "just absolute joy," says Burtka. "We had two babies that we made. With help."
The family just moved into a "more kid-friendly" home in the Hollywood Hills and the twins have a new nursery with an old-school Disney theme park décor. "Harper has been fussy but Gideon is the easiest baby in the world," says Burtka. "They're just now starting to recognize us and smile."
"I just love the way they smell. And we can use them as an excuse to get out of almost anything," adds Harris, jokingly. "That's cleared the calendar in a good way."
For more of Harris and Burtka's interview, including exclusive photos of their twins, pick up this week's issue of PEOPLE on newsstands Friday
Ok, tole je prvi same-sex couple na naslovnici z otroci ever, in oni dajo eno bedno weight-loss zgodbo za glavno sliko?!?!

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
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