Lady Gaga
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Hahhaa, spet kaka fora z Illuminati?! 

It was forever..but it didnt last long..
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
A dej no pa ne da res verjameš temu natolcevanju o Illuminatih in zvezdnikih? 

It was forever..but it didnt last long..
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
Pa btw, lih to si bom šla kmalu tetovirat (zaradi simboličnosti opisane zgoraj) in se bom iz srca smejala, ko(če) bom postala slavna in bojo teorije zarote o men nastale
Pa btw, lih to si bom šla kmalu tetovirat (zaradi simboličnosti opisane zgoraj) in se bom iz srca smejala, ko(če) bom postala slavna in bojo teorije zarote o men nastale

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Tammy_De - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1644
- Na forumu od: 8. 3. 2007
- Kraj: Ljubljana
To bo pa malo bolj težko, glede na to da nisem niti malo verna (bog, hudič, etc. so zame prazne buče). 

"Replace the fear of unknown with curiosity"
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"Sexy is sexy" - Adam Lambert
Seyfullah - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 851
- Na forumu od: 4. 6. 2009
- Kraj: Ljubljana
***Everything is possible...Impossible just takes a while longer***
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Uh, zdj sm si mal ogledala..prov spravla si bom ogledat vse. Sicer pa že s samega začetka, nova sovražna propaganda..sploh ne pomislite, da ste vi tisti Brainwashed s temi "dokazi" in posnetki..Ironično pa je, da je to tesno povezano z Islamom..
Cel HOLY FUCK komentar na spodnje:
This series helped me change and wake up to many things that go on in the world but in the end all thanks is not Allah who sent us the Qur'an and the Massager peace be upon him who said things that make our Iman (faith)in GOD stronger.
The best way to keep this change growing and winning the battle against Satan himself is to remember Allah in any instance and all the time.
After watching the complete series i have to say my eyes have been opened!
It has changed the way i think and has driven me to look more into Islam... and to spread the good word...
Inshallah i will be making a few DVD's and spreading this series to my family and friends in the hope to help them understand and Inshallah strengthen their Iman as it has done so for me.
i started to watch these in random parts a cupl days ago, and it made me want to know more and more. like it put fear into me, a gud fear that makes me repent and pray to Allah. a fear knowing that the signs of Qiyamat are coming closer...
have watched seven parts so far
and i feel like i have nothing left but to submit myself to allah
im only thirteen and i cant do nothing
and the jews are always wrong they think they are right for what they done to Isa(S.A.W)
and they messiah as a result is the dajjal
what all of us can do as muslim brothers is prepare and make the world know
through the most important
salam alaikum
My life actually changed after the Gaza war when it showed how EVIL the Jews are and the American/British administration. It shows how their imperialisitc motives to rule the world, from Jerusalem nonetheless is slowly but surely creeping into our comfort zone. The Arrivals merely comfirm this and also brought light to the other issues that I never thought could be true - like satanic worship. It also opened my eyes towards the evil and danger of idolatry worship. Perhaps idolatry worship open the possibility that man can be God, and we have the greedy motivations of people in achieving that goal - to be God. Thank you the team of Arrivals for opening my eyes.
Assamulikum, its definitely changed everything. It has put things in perspective. I had questioned previously things and new about the new world order. However, I was uncertain about who was controlling it behin the scenes. I knew that it was not the jews or christians themselves but zionists but I did not realise that the zionists were jinn followers. I never knew that the jinn interfered so much in human history.
This documentary has tied all the issues in the world together and made sense of it. Brillant job guys. May Allah make you and all people that have helped in making the documentary successful in this life and most importantly the hereafter. Inshallah I will try my best to spread the message. Thank you for opening my eyes.
Dejansko je ustvarjen in se ustvarja nek kult, nimam druzga komentarja, kot verski fanatiki. Takšni in samo takšni ljudje bodo povzročili, da bo zemlja slej ko prej gorela. Edini Brainwashed ljudje tukaj so privrženci tega.
Cel HOLY FUCK komentar na spodnje:

This series helped me change and wake up to many things that go on in the world but in the end all thanks is not Allah who sent us the Qur'an and the Massager peace be upon him who said things that make our Iman (faith)in GOD stronger.
The best way to keep this change growing and winning the battle against Satan himself is to remember Allah in any instance and all the time.
After watching the complete series i have to say my eyes have been opened!
It has changed the way i think and has driven me to look more into Islam... and to spread the good word...
Inshallah i will be making a few DVD's and spreading this series to my family and friends in the hope to help them understand and Inshallah strengthen their Iman as it has done so for me.
i started to watch these in random parts a cupl days ago, and it made me want to know more and more. like it put fear into me, a gud fear that makes me repent and pray to Allah. a fear knowing that the signs of Qiyamat are coming closer...
have watched seven parts so far
and i feel like i have nothing left but to submit myself to allah
im only thirteen and i cant do nothing
and the jews are always wrong they think they are right for what they done to Isa(S.A.W)
and they messiah as a result is the dajjal
what all of us can do as muslim brothers is prepare and make the world know
through the most important
salam alaikum
My life actually changed after the Gaza war when it showed how EVIL the Jews are and the American/British administration. It shows how their imperialisitc motives to rule the world, from Jerusalem nonetheless is slowly but surely creeping into our comfort zone. The Arrivals merely comfirm this and also brought light to the other issues that I never thought could be true - like satanic worship. It also opened my eyes towards the evil and danger of idolatry worship. Perhaps idolatry worship open the possibility that man can be God, and we have the greedy motivations of people in achieving that goal - to be God. Thank you the team of Arrivals for opening my eyes.
Assamulikum, its definitely changed everything. It has put things in perspective. I had questioned previously things and new about the new world order. However, I was uncertain about who was controlling it behin the scenes. I knew that it was not the jews or christians themselves but zionists but I did not realise that the zionists were jinn followers. I never knew that the jinn interfered so much in human history.
This documentary has tied all the issues in the world together and made sense of it. Brillant job guys. May Allah make you and all people that have helped in making the documentary successful in this life and most importantly the hereafter. Inshallah I will try my best to spread the message. Thank you for opening my eyes.
Dejansko je ustvarjen in se ustvarja nek kult, nimam druzga komentarja, kot verski fanatiki. Takšni in samo takšni ljudje bodo povzročili, da bo zemlja slej ko prej gorela. Edini Brainwashed ljudje tukaj so privrženci tega.
Zadnjič spremenil ..Evelyn.., dne 26. Dec. 2009 15:15, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
It was forever..but it didnt last long..
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Ljudje, ki so fani Lady Gage s svojim užitkom ob glasbi, ker se ne ozirajo na take in drugačne reči, ki jih sporoča(zanimivo, kaj pa Marilyn Manson, pa vsi bandi Black metala, ki jasno in glasno sporočajo svoje mišljenje o Satanu, smrti ipd., kako da oni niso nikoli napadeni oziroma "razkrinkani"? vedno so neke "prikrite" kvazi zadeve) s svojim stilom, glasbo, ne škodujejo nikomur medtem ko množica ljudi, ki je preprana in sprana od raznoraznih teorij zarote lahko marsikatero grozoto ustvari. To je zbiranje podložnikov in ničesar drugega, menijo, da so se jim oči odprle, oči so se jim odprle v jetništvo, v to, kar želijo vidit.
Btw si ti verna? Ker, če nisi, te posnetki zate nimajo absolutno nič smisla.
Aja pa prosim poglej zgoraj komentarje s FB skupine "The arrivals", če si jih spregledala.
Btw si ti verna? Ker, če nisi, te posnetki zate nimajo absolutno nič smisla.
Aja pa prosim poglej zgoraj komentarje s FB skupine "The arrivals", če si jih spregledala.
It was forever..but it didnt last long..
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Pametujem, ker opazujem posledice, ki jih prinašajo te posnetki..niti si jih nebom ogledala, ker se mi zdaj pa res zdi vse skupaj grozno pa ne zaradi Lady Gage in zaradi dokumentarca ampak zaradi teh reči, ki jih ljudje potem pišejo..Zanimivo, kako lahko te posnetki tko močno na vas vplivajo in to zavestno, paradoksno se pa spravljate ravno na to, da naj vas mediji nebi kontrolirali. Blak metalcev je veliko,s o žgali cerkve, vedo kaj pomenijo vsa znakovna sporočila, še vseeno pa je Black metal subkultura velika, zakaj ni tako ostro napadena? Res je, da pop prevlada pa še vseeno, marsikdo tega sploh ne opazi, teh "dokazov", medtem ko so v Black metalu očitni.
Ti komentarji zgoraj se tebi zdijo normalni? Se ti ne zdijo te ljudje zmanipulirani?No, če si verna, potem je nekako razumljivo.
Jaz nisem.
Vsi na fb skupini, ki so oboževalci "the arrivals" so takega mnenja, kot je zgoraj opisano, ki ga vseeno lahko prebereš tudi če nimaš fbja.

Ti komentarji zgoraj se tebi zdijo normalni? Se ti ne zdijo te ljudje zmanipulirani?No, če si verna, potem je nekako razumljivo.

Jaz nisem.
Vsi na fb skupini, ki so oboževalci "the arrivals" so takega mnenja, kot je zgoraj opisano, ki ga vseeno lahko prebereš tudi če nimaš fbja.

It was forever..but it didnt last long..
..Evelyn.. - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 4757
- Na forumu od: 4. 4. 2008
Nevem kako bi lahko bili oni taki kot jaz, če pišejo vsepovsod , da so jim posnetki odprli oči in da se bodo zdaj še bolj predajali Alahu
Pa saj ne pravim, da bi Illuminate motili Black metalci, temveč teli buhtlni k te posnetke delajo!
No prav, kakorkoli že...Kot si napisala, stvar posameznika in tudi ti imaš pravico, da verjameš v to, kar verjameš, tako da ti dam mir(pa še ne da se mi več
Nehala bom s takim..ker res, imava popolnoma nasprotni mnenji/predstavi o vseh teh političnih rečeh, zarotah po svetu in manipuliranju z ljudmi..
Tako, da ok, se poslavljam iz te teme, razen če še kdaj pridem pokukat kak lušten outfit od Gagice ali pa njeno luštno glasbo.

Pa saj ne pravim, da bi Illuminate motili Black metalci, temveč teli buhtlni k te posnetke delajo!

Nehala bom s takim..ker res, imava popolnoma nasprotni mnenji/predstavi o vseh teh političnih rečeh, zarotah po svetu in manipuliranju z ljudmi..
Tako, da ok, se poslavljam iz te teme, razen če še kdaj pridem pokukat kak lušten outfit od Gagice ali pa njeno luštno glasbo.

It was forever..but it didnt last long..
*mala* - Cosmopsiho
- Prispevkov: 8839
- Na forumu od: 3. 8. 2004
buubbika napisal/-a:
Men se zdi to absolutno pretirano... eni "argumenti" so res absurdni (penis shaped dress- LOL).
V vsakem videospotu bi lahko našli na tono teh sumljivih sporočil, če bi se spravili iskat.
But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.
inaa - Cosmofrik
- Prispevkov: 1576
- Na forumu od: 9. 11. 2005
- Kraj: tu pa tam
..Evelyn.. napisal/-a:Ljudje, ki so fani Lady Gage s svojim užitkom ob glasbi, ker se ne ozirajo na take in drugačne reči, ki jih sporoča(zanimivo, kaj pa Marilyn Manson, pa vsi bandi Black metala, ki jasno in glasno sporočajo svoje mišljenje o Satanu, smrti ipd., kako da oni niso nikoli napadeni oziroma "razkrinkani"? vedno so neke "prikrite" kvazi zadeve) s svojim stilom, glasbo, ne škodujejo nikomur .
no ja, sam da lady gaga pac na vojih koncertih ne meče crknenih psov med množico in ne grize glave golobom in take reči...ampak ok, sej vsak svoje zagovarja in ima svoje mnenje, pa če je še bl neumno

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