Britney Spears
Moderatorji: saarijarvi, Dioniz, Sunshine
Dead_kid - Kofetarica
- Prispevkov: 879
- Na forumu od: 13. 11. 2006
polly-polly napisal/-a:Pomoje je pa z njo kar konec. Ne verjamem, da bo še kdaj mela tak status in tako slavo kot včasih. Preveč je že zabluzila. Tole na VMA pa, v bistvu če sem iskrena sem pa še kej slabšega pričakovala.
You migt think i ain't worth a dollar, but i feel like a millionare.
- *urškica*
- Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 336
- Na forumu od: 3. 8. 2007
men je bla ona včasih ful v redu...pol sm pa ful stil glasbe zamenjala sam mi je še vedn bla mi je šlo zdej kr mal noj ko sm jo vidla, to je bla gorzna sramota....tolk folka jo je pršl gledat, da bi vidl njen come back, bla je zvezda večra pol se ji pa to nrdi...sej gor je zgledla tk ku bi bla zadeta....bae ji je timberlake zoorganizure come back
gisele - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 59
- Na forumu od: 26. 8. 2004
razlogi zakaj je biu tako slab nastop( no..tko se govori okoli )
...I think it's pretty clear that everyone on God's green Earth (except Kanye West) was pretty disappointed with Britney Spears's opening of the VMAs. There was so much hype, so much anticipation and so much buzz that I was really looking forward to being wowed. The poor thing looked listless and kinda out of it ... almost as soon as the performance was over all sorts of excuses and explanations started to fly. Some say she overheard Sarah Silverman's routine rehearsal and didn't take too kindly to her jokes and that is why her performance was bad (which doesn't make sense to me), others say that MTV didn't let her do the Criss Angel/Mirror thing that was widely rumored to be a part of the performance and that is why it suffered (which really doesn't make sense to me and I sincerely doubt is even remotely true) ... I even heard a rumor that Britney is 2 months pregs and that is why she was so out of it. Personally, I think her heart isn't in performing any more ... she doesn't really seem to care about anything and no matter how hard people try to make her understand ... nothing. Blah. The other performances of the night were amazing....
...I think it's pretty clear that everyone on God's green Earth (except Kanye West) was pretty disappointed with Britney Spears's opening of the VMAs. There was so much hype, so much anticipation and so much buzz that I was really looking forward to being wowed. The poor thing looked listless and kinda out of it ... almost as soon as the performance was over all sorts of excuses and explanations started to fly. Some say she overheard Sarah Silverman's routine rehearsal and didn't take too kindly to her jokes and that is why her performance was bad (which doesn't make sense to me), others say that MTV didn't let her do the Criss Angel/Mirror thing that was widely rumored to be a part of the performance and that is why it suffered (which really doesn't make sense to me and I sincerely doubt is even remotely true) ... I even heard a rumor that Britney is 2 months pregs and that is why she was so out of it. Personally, I think her heart isn't in performing any more ... she doesn't really seem to care about anything and no matter how hard people try to make her understand ... nothing. Blah. The other performances of the night were amazing....
- Trubadurka
- Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 109
- Na forumu od: 25. 12. 2005
- Kraj: Lj
posnetka se očitno ne da več videti. ma katera plan B?
_tinkerbell_ - Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 4
- Na forumu od: 3. 1. 2006
Nastop resnično ni bil niti blizu ala britney style kakor smo ga vajeni. Toda glede na to, da je ženska pred nekaj meseci kazala na to, da bo prej pod zemljo kot pa spet na odru, lahko rečem da je bil nastop dober. Čudež je že, da je sploh uspela posneti pesem, saj glede na njene psihične in fizične zlome, nepripravljenost na otroke in brca v ta zadnjo od njenega moža, tega nikakor nisem pričakovala. Britney rabi čas, morda bo, morda ne, želim da se ji bo izšlo kakor sama hoče, saj je navsezadnje tudi samo človek kot vsi ustali. Kot njena oboževalka pa upam, da bo kmalu na sporedu stara britney'll never see it my way, because you're not me...
Velouria - Debatorica
- Prispevkov: 460
- Na forumu od: 2. 8. 2005
Trubadurka napisal/-a:posnetka se očitno ne da več videti. ma katera plan B? ... rformance/
now I have you sleeping next to me ... and this is home
polly-polly - Cosmopolitanka
- Prispevkov: 1109
- Na forumu od: 31. 12. 2005
gisele napisal/-a:razlogi zakaj je biu tako slab nastop( no..tko se govori okoli )
Personally, I think her heart isn't in performing any more ... she doesn't really seem to care about anything and no matter how hard people try to make her understand ... nothing.
S temu se pa strinjam. Včasih si vidu, da je res uživala med nastopom. Prov vidu si, da je srce pustila na odru. Zdej je pa ves nasmeh, izraz na obrazu, ... deloval ful zaigran in prisiljen.
ps.: postavo ma pa res dobro, glede na 2 otroka in glede na to kasna je bla se mesec nazaj, ....
- Trubadurka
- Komunikatorka
- Prispevkov: 109
- Na forumu od: 25. 12. 2005
- Kraj: Lj
jaoooo, men pa ni kej prevec vsec njena postava
kratke noge (če bi ble dovolj suhe se ne bi tok opazilo) je sicer omilila z visokimi petami, sam trebuh pa
groza in strah tale Brit.
kratke noge (če bi ble dovolj suhe se ne bi tok opazilo) je sicer omilila z visokimi petami, sam trebuh pa
groza in strah tale Brit.
- matjačka
- Sramežljivka
- Prispevkov: 18
- Na forumu od: 11. 4. 2005
joy23 napisal/-a:^^ men ma pa ravno zato dobro postavo, ker ma malo oblin in ni ista kot ostale "popolne" zvednice. noge je pa tk vedno mela mal bolj močne, se men zdi.
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