FOTO: Pokukaj v londonsko trgovino sestre Victorie Beckham!

2. 3. 2016

Nato pa še v trgovino z oblekami, katere lastnica je njena sestra Louise Adams. Razlika te bo presenetila! 

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To je Victoria Beckham. Seveda to veš. Žena slavnega nekdanjega nogometaša Davida Beckhama in lastnica izjemno uspešne znamke oblačil. ki je vsako leto bolj priznano ime visoke mode.

Hidden Closet owned by Victoria Beckham's sister Louise Adams, which is located down an alleyway in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire - the most expensive item was a £62 faux leather style shift dress, reduced to £18.60 in the sale. - Left to right: Louise Adams and Leighann Cook with their new shop

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