NI res, da je odnos moža do tašče vedno slab! Ta zgodba moškega te bo ganila do solz. 😭
Zapis, ki je te dni obkrožil socialna omrežja, nas je zaradi svoje iskrenosti in bolečine pustil popolnoma brez besed! Na Instagramu ga je zapisal moški po imenu Scott, katerega žena je pred dvema letoma zbolela za rakom!
Čustveno pismo, ki ga je Američan namenil svoji tašči, si lahko prebereš tukaj: "To je Sharon, moja tašča.
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"This is Sharon, my mother-in-law. She taught me it’s important work to see someone for who they are and not what you expect. When I first met my mother-in-law I had a hard time understanding her thick south Virginia accent. And she seemed a little bossy in that southern passive aggressive polite way. But I knew she was important to the love of my life, so I accepted her grudgingly as some of us do when family is forced on us. After 5 years I still didn’t really know her. When my wife got leukemia at 30. When our world was shattered and changed forever, Sharon very quietly and very firmly stepped into the role she was born for. She moved, with her dependent Vietnam vet husband, into our house and became Michele’s caretaker too. Over the last two years she bought most of the groceries, cooked almost every meal, did most of the laundry and cleaning, drove both dependents to almost every one of the 300+ doctor appointments, sorted tens of thousands of pills, and made sure they were all taken on time at every hour every day. And she did this when she herself was diagnosed with cancer 6 months ago. When she was getting a mastectomy. When she is going through chemo. She hums when she works. She talks to herself when there’s no one to listen, and she goes about every day with humility and grace. I took this photo before I left work this morning. She didn’t know I was there. This, friends, is what greatness looks like in a quiet moment. Waiting on oatmeal to cook for her daughter for the 300th time since she got sick. Not everyone gets to have a real-world superhero in their lives. And for this I am filled with gratitude every day." #LoveWhatMatters #cancer #findjoy #joy #seekjoy #beautiful #mil #motherinlaw #keepgoing Credit: Scott Mann
A post shared by Love What Matters: Good news (@lovewhatmatters) on Oct 17, 2020 at 12:12pm PDT
Naučila me je, da je pomembno videti nekoga takšnega, kot je in ne takšnega, kot ga sami pričakujete.
Ko sem svojo taščo prvič spoznal, sem težko razumel njen grob južnjaški naglas. Imela je tudi ta pasivno agresiven vljuden način ukazovanja, ki je tako značilen za ljudi z juga, zato se mi je zdela nekoliko šefovska.
Vedel sem, da je izredno pomembna oseba ljubezni mojega življenja, zato sem jo sprejel, a z nekoliko nejevolje, kot to počnemo nekateri, ki nam je družina vsiljena.
Po 5 letih je še vedno nisem zares poznal.
Ko je moja žena pri svojih 30. letih zbolela za levkemijo , ko se je naš svet porušil in se za vedno spremenil, je Sharon zelo tiho in zelo trdno stopila v vlogo, za katero se je rodila. Skupaj s svojim nepokretnim možem , ki je vietnamski veteran, se je preselila v našo hišo in postala hčerkina skrbnica.
V zadnjih dveh letih je kupila večino živil, skuhala skoraj vsak obrok, oprala večino oblačil in večino čiščenja hiše prevzela nase, oba bolnika je peljala na skoraj vsakega od 300 zdravniških pregledov, po urah razvrstila več deset tisoč tablet in poskrbela, da so se vse zaužile pravočasno.
Vse to je opravljala tudi, ko je bila še sama pred šestimi meseci diagnosticirana z rakom in je prestala mastektomijo. Vse to bo opravila tudi danes, ko gre še sama na kemoterapijo.
To fotografijo sem posnel, preden sem danes zjutraj odšel v službo. Ni vedela, da sem tam.
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"This is Sharon, my mother-in-law. She taught me it’s important work to see someone for who they are and not what you expect. When I first met my mother-in-law I had a hard time understanding her thick south Virginia accent. And she seemed a little bossy in that southern passive aggressive polite way. But I knew she was important to the love of my life, so I accepted her grudgingly as some of us do when family is forced on us. After 5 years I still didn’t really know her. When my wife got leukemia at 30. When our world was shattered and changed forever, Sharon very quietly and very firmly stepped into the role she was born for. She moved, with her dependent Vietnam vet husband, into our house and became Michele’s caretaker too. Over the last two years she bought most of the groceries, cooked almost every meal, did most of the laundry and cleaning, drove both dependents to almost every one of the 300+ doctor appointments, sorted tens of thousands of pills, and made sure they were all taken on time at every hour every day. And she did this when she herself was diagnosed with cancer 6 months ago. When she was getting a mastectomy. When she is going through chemo. She hums when she works. She talks to herself when there’s no one to listen, and she goes about every day with humility and grace. I took this photo before I left work this morning. She didn’t know I was there. This, friends, is what greatness looks like in a quiet moment. Waiting on oatmeal to cook for her daughter for the 300th time since she got sick. Not everyone gets to have a real-world superhero in their lives. And for this I am filled with gratitude every day." #LoveWhatMatters #cancer #findjoy #joy #seekjoy #beautiful #mil #motherinlaw #keepgoing Credit: Scott Mann
A post shared by Love What Matters: Good news (@lovewhatmatters) on Oct 17, 2020 at 12:12pm PDT
Takole, prijatelji, je videti veličina v mirnem trenutku. Čakanje na ovsene kosmiče za hčerko, da se skuhajo že 300-ič, odkar je zbolela. V življenju nimajo vsi sreče poznati resničnega superjunaka.
In za to sem vsak dan poln hvaležnosti."
Fotografije: Profimedia, Instagram, GIPHY
Novo na Metroplay: Perica Jerković o družinskih trenutkih, delu komika in čisto prvem nastopu